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International Workshop on Flux Observation
Research in Asia 3rd International
Workshop for Advanced Flux
Network and Flux Evaluation |
时间: 2003-04-25 点击率: 1123687 |
International Workshop on Flux Observation Research in
Asia 3rd International Workshop for Advanced Flux
Network and Flux Evaluation |
International Workshop on Flux Observation Research in
Asia 3rd International Workshop for Advanced Flux Network and Flux
September 13-16, 2003
Changbai Mountain site of ChinaFLUX
Peoples Republic of China
Sponsored by
ChinaFLUX and AsiaFLUX
International Workshop on Flux Observation Research in Asia
1. Conference Description
ChinaFLUX has started up in 2002. During the process of its kick-off and running, we obtained supports and instructions from the related international organizations, especially AsiaFLUX, with which we keep good cooperation. Under the negotiation of ChinaFLUX and AsiaFLUX, we determine to hold jointly a workshop on international flux study. The workshop will discuss the basic theories and application techniques on flux observation in order to improve the study level of flux observation of the countries of Asia.
2. Conference Time
The conference will be held from Sep. 13 to 16, 2003.
3. Conference Venue
Forest Research Station of Changbai Mountain
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jilin Province
4. Conference Language
The official language of the conference is English. All abstracts and presentations must be in English.
5. Participation
All those interested in participating in the conference are asked to return the Registration Form, no later than May 15, 2003.
6. Call for Papers
Contributed papers for special topic and /or oral presentation and/or posters on the study of flux observation are welcome. Authors wishing to submit a paper should send an abstract by May 15, and send the full text by July 15, 2003 to the Secretariat.
Abstracts and full text should be sent as electronic files in MS-Word or Rich Text format by e-mail or on diskettes. An abstract should contain the title, names of authors, name and affiliation of contact person, text body. An abstract should not contain figures and tables and should not exceed 400 words.
7. Post-Conference Investigations
We provide the following sites for investigation after the conference. You can select one or more sites that you are interested in. Then we will make some adjustment according to the statistical result.
1) Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve (for all participants)
2) Flux observation site of Qianyanzhou man-planted forest on red soil hill region(Jiangxi Province) (for foreign participants)
3) Flux observation site of Dinghushan southern sub-tropic typical tropical evergreen broad-leafed forest(Guangdong Province) (for foreign participants)
4) Flux observation site of Xishuangbanna tropic seasonal rainforest(Yunan Province) (for foreign participants)
5) Flux observation site of YuCheng warmer temperate dry farming cropland(Shandong Province) (for foreign participants)
6) Flux observation site of Haibei highland frigid meadow(Qinghai Province) (for foreign participants)
8. Conference Cost
The cost of those who are invited specially will be covered by the conference secretariat, other participants will pay the cost by themselves.
9. Accommodations
Guest House of Changbai Mountain
10. Academic committee:
Chen Jiayi (China), Monji Nobuyuki (Japan), Lee Xuhui (USA), Fukushima Yoshihiro (Japan), Kim Joon (Korea), Hu Fei (China)?ALee Byoung-Lyol?]Korea?^
11. Organizing committee
Chair: Chen Panqin (China)
Vice-chairs:Yu Guirui (China), Yamamoto Susumu (Japan) and Huang Yao (China)
Members: Inoue Gen (Japan), Inukai K. (Japan), Han Shijie (China), Huang Tieqing (China), Wang Yuesi (China), Sun Xiaomin (China), Bian Lingen (China) , Wonsik Kim (Korea), Dennis Baldocchi(USA)
12. Agencies undertaken the conference
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS
Institute of Shenyang Applied Ecology, CAS
13. Conference Secretariat
Staff: Niu Dong, Wang Shaoqiang, Wang Qiufeng and Yuan Zhiwen
Contact person: Wang Qiufeng
Address: Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research
Chinese Academy of Sciences
3 Datun Road, Beijing 100101, China
Phone: +86 10 64889458
Fax: +86 10 64889399
Email: chinaflux@cern.ac.cn
International Workshop on Flux Observation Research in Asia
13-16 September 2003, Changbai Mountain, China
Name on your passport:
Family Name: First Name:
Mailing Address:
City/State/Zip Code:
Passport Number:
Tel: Fax:
I will submit a paper in the form of: Special subject report/Oral presentation/ Poster
The title of my paper is:
Please check the site where you want to visit:
Flux observation site of Qianyanzhou man-planted forest on red soil hill region(Jiangxi Province)
Flux observation site of Dinghushan southern sub-tropic typical tropical evergreen broad-leafed forest(Guangdong Province)
Flux observation site of Xishuangbanna tropic seasonal rainforest(Yunan Province)
Flux observation site of YuCheng warmer temperate dry farming cropland(Shandong Province)
Flux observation site of Haibei highland frigid meadow(Qinghai Province)
Please return the registration form as soon as possible, no later than 15 May, 2003.
To: Qiufeng Wang
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, ((IGSNRR, CAS)
P.O. Box 9717, 3Datun Road, Chaoyang District, 110101, Beijing, P. R. China
Tel: +86-010-64889458, Fax: +86-010-64889399
E-mail: chinaflux@cern.ac.cn