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来源: 水域生态系统分中心   时间: 2005-04-30  点击率: 1124025

TNC/Agilent Conservation Science Research Fellowship Program
Call for Applications

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Conservation Science Research

Thanks to generous financial support from Agilent Technologies, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) China Program is pleased to solicit applications for the TNC/Agilent Conservation Science Research Fellowship Program in following research areas:


Research topics:


l            Critical Responses of Freshwater and Agro-ecosystems to extreme climate events in Upper Yangtze River Basin: We propose to identify those freshwater and agro-ecosystems that are particularly vulnerable to the projected variability in basin-wide extreme events, then assess the socio-economic costs of climate change impacts on those ecosystems. Finally, we will identify climate-adaptive strategies that might reduce the vulnerability of those ecosystems and reduce the socio-economic costs of impacts on them.

l            Integrating Freshwater Biodiversity into Conservation Programs in Northwestern Yunnan – Nearly all conservation in northwestern Yunnan is focused on terrestrial biodiversity, despite the many rivers and lakes that occur there. More focus is needed on how best to integrate freshwater biodiversity into the conservation agenda.  Many knowledge gaps currently exist and need to be answered before effective conservation strategies can be designed. What are the broad-scale patterns of freshwater biodiversity in northwestern Yunnan and the threats to their viability? To what extent does the assessment and conservation of ecosystem services/functions (e.g., water flow and soil retention) contribute to freshwater biodiversity conservation? To what extent are current terrestrial conservation programs contributing to freshwater biodiversity conservation in rivers and lakes? What is the policy and regulatory situation for aquatic conservation in northwestern Yunnan and what decision support tools are needed for effective decision making?

l            The role of socio-economic factors in conservation: The success of conservation efforts often depends as much (if not more so) on socio-economic considerations, as on scientific factors. How do we better assess social, political, and social factors and/or stakeholders and institutions in China to best inform our conservation planning and implementation?.


Each fellow is mentored by both an academic sponsor from a co-hosting university--Beijing Normal University, and a conservation scientist from TNC. Fellowships are spent primarily at the location most practical for the research, notably one of “field” offices of TNC-China Program (Deqin, Zhongdian, Gongshan, Lijiang, Kunming in Yunnan Province), or at a Chinese co-hosting institute/University.

Qualifications: Fellowship applicants must:

1.       Major in ecology, freshwater ecosystem, climate change, conservation biology/ecology, socio-economic sciences, or related fields;

2.       Have received their Ph.D. degree within five years of the application deadline; OR be anticipated to defense their Ph.D. prior to July 31, 2005;

3.       Demonstrate high potential for innovative research and leadership in their field;

4.       Show strong interest and/or demonstrated commitment to applied conservation biology;

5.       Demonstrate strong ability to work as part of a team and independently as well;

6.       Demonstrate high English language proficiency in both speaking and writing;

7.       Be willing to travel to and work at places as remote as Northwest Yunnan and Upper Yangtze River Basin.

Benefits: Each fellow will receive a benefit package equal to the current standard for post-docs at Beijing Normal University.

Application Materials: Following application materials should be submitted in BOTH English and Chinese


1.         Cover letter: including narrative of his/her academic background, research interest, anticipated objectives and evidence of leadership and innovation;

2.         Curriculum vitae: including a list of applicant’s publications and the projects the applicant has completed;

3.         Letters of Recommendation: Three (3) letters of recommendation addressing the merits of the candidate;

4.         A short description of research plan (no more than ten pages): The research plan should include the following: (a) abstract (b) background section, (c) statement of objectives, (d) approaches and methods, (e) anticipated results, (f) research schedule (including proposed study site).


Deadlines and Contact Information

All application materials, including letters from references, must be received by The Nature Conservancy by May 30, 2005. The application materials and any questions about the application process should be directed to:


Dr. Jianbin Shi (石建斌)

Email: jshi@tnc.org

Tel.: (010)-66034445-107

Address: 北京市中山公园东小楼,美国大自然保护协会北京办公室 (100031).


All applicants will be notified by August 15, 2005.  Fellowship term will begin as soon as possible thereafter, but no later than September 2005.


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