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美国大自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy)中国部招聘云南拉什海项目经理
来源: 水体分中心   时间: 2005-02-17  点击率: 1132314

TITLE:             Lashihai Project Manager

SUPERVISOR: Lijiang Program Manager, TNC China Program

LOCATION:      Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China

POSTED:          January 1, 2005  



The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has identified five action sites (“Project areas”) in northwestern Yunnan where we focus implementation of biodiversity conservation efforts.  The Lashihai Project Manager will be responsible and provide leadership for all aspects of conservation at one of these action sites – Lashihai Project Area – from science and planning (including information gathering) to implementation of key conservation strategies and monitoring / measuring success of conservation outcomes.  Lashihai is an internationally recognized plateau wetland ecosystem and Nature Reserve, providing critical habitat for migratory waterfowl including many nationally protected species like black-necked cranes and black stork.  This position will work with Chinese and American TNC staff, government agencies at all levels, local villagers, technical experts from Chinese government bureaus and research institutes and universities, and other stakeholders, particularly the local Nature Reserve staff.  The position also requires spending considerable time in relatively isolated county seats, with basic services.  It may involve living in remote villages in order to understand the social, physical, and biological features of the site and implement key strategies to conserve biodiversity in these areas. The Lashihai Project Manager’s duties may also include supporting development and implementation of NW Yunnan- and China-wide conservation strategies.  He/She reports to the Lijiang Program Manager and may supervise a Project Assistant.



1.       Direct conservation program at the Lashihai Project Site in Northwest Yunnan to identify and achieve conservation objectives, working collaboratively with other conservation staff, government agencies at multiple levels, local villagers, donors, fund-raisers, academics, other NGOs, and other Chinese and international individuals and organizations. 

2.       Ensure employment of TNC’s Conservation by Design “adaptive management” approach to conservation implementation, including by:

·          Applying Conservation Area Planning framework to identify and update, as appropriate, key conservation targets, major threats, focal conservation strategies, and measures of conservation success.

·          Collecting and synthesizing appropriate biological data/information from a wide variety of sources, including collection of relevant social, cultural, economic, political, and other social science data.

·          Managing contracts to support conservation planning, implementation of strategies, and monitoring.

·          Implementing and monitoring key strategies in close partnership with local Nature Reserve staff and helping to ensure management effectiveness.

3.       Actively develop, maintain, and ensure good communication, coordination, and working relationships with key stakeholders and partners. 

4.       Prepare and administer annual Lashihai Project workplan and budget.  Work with Philanthropy staff as needed to develop support and funding for conservation work.

5.       Support The Nature Conservancy’s Northwestern Yunnan and China-wide conservation initiatives as appropriate.



1.       Advanced degree in natural or applied sciences, resource management, ecology, conservation, related field, or equivalent experience.    Minimum of 3-5 years experience in natural areas planning or management or related field.

2.       Ability and willingness to provide strategic leadership and communicate TNC’s conservation approach and objectives clearly and effectively to local officials, communities, researchers, and other partners / stakeholders is critical.  Familiarity with The Nature Conservancy’s Conservation by Design is preferred, though not necessary.   

3.       Ability to motivate, lead, set individual and program-wide objectives, and manage performance of a multi-disciplinary team that may be linked by common purpose rather than by lines of authority or supervisory structure to accomplish major results.

4.       Ability to develop constructive and effective relationships inside and outside the Conservancy, and inside and outside TNC China Program. 

5.       Demonstrated project management experience including ability to prioritize work, manage complex multi-faceted project components, handle multiple assignments simultaneously, complete tasks in a timely fashion, work independently, define goals and deliverables, assemble and motivate teams, manage assignments, schedule, budget, track progress and milestones, and deliver products.

6.       Strong written and oral communication skills.  Proven ability to effectively communicate with a diverse audience, from major donors and TNC leadership to local villagers and government officials, developing constructive and effective relationships.

7.       Willingness to work on multi-cultural teams.  Strong team-oriented player with demonstrated interpersonal skills. 

8.       Willingness to work long hours, on weekends and evenings as needed, travel frequently and live in remote areas.  Minimum 2-year commitment to live and work in Northwest Yunnan is required.

9.       Strong communication skills in Chinese and English.

10.   Demonstrated commitment to conservation and the mission of The Nature Conservancy.


Please submit a cover letter and resume to tnchr@tnc.org.cn by March 15, 2005.  Inquiries may also be directed to this e-mail address. 

For more information about our China Program, please visit our website at www.nature.org/china. 


The Nature Conservancy is an Equal Opportunity Employer



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