河南报业网(2006-02-09)讯 环境保护主义者发出警告:来自中国的大闸蟹正入侵英国的排水系统。
Giant crabs set to invade Britain |
Environmentalists warn that Britain's waterways are set to be invaded by giant exotic Chinese crabs.
They say the mitten crabs, which can grow to the size of a dinner plate, could overrun canals and rivers.
Scientists also fear native species of crab could be overwhelmed like the red squirrel, on the verge of extinction after being pushed out by greys from the US.
Researchers at Newcastle University studied how the mittens had swept through continental Europe in the last century.
And they concluded that there could be a population explosion in the UK at any time.
The mitten crab, given its name because its claws, are coated with clumps of dark brown fur.
They prey on protected species and destabilise river banks by burrowing into them with their 50cm-long boreholes.
They are considered a delicacy in China and Japan when eaten raw and are already present in some British rivers including the Thames, Humber and Tyne.
Dr Matt Bentley, a member of the research team, said: "The pattern of the spread in the UK since the 1970s mirrors the spread in mainland Europe and in the Baltic region which experienced a major outbreak.
"This is a fairly good indication that the UK is set for a similar situation."