核心期刊论文目录 |
河北栾城农业水资源供需状况及优化利用研究 |
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出 版 社:干旱地区农业研究 |
发表时间:2004年 02期:159-163 |
台 站:
作 者:郭长城, 刘孟雨, 张喜英, 陈素英, 董宝娣 |
点 击 率:8554 |
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关 键 字:农业水资源,节水潜力,线性优化 |
摘 要:分析了河北栾城县农业水资源的供需状况和主要农田生态系统的节水潜力,以实现该地区水资源的可持续利用和地下水资源的采补平衡为目标进行了农业水资源的优化利用研究。结果表明,优化种植制度与结构后,可减少农业供水0.4548亿m^3,使总供水量减少为1.1622亿m^3,经济和生态环境效益得到提高,可以实现地下水的采补平衡。 |
关 键 字(英文):agricultural water resource,water saving potential,linear optimization |
摘 要(英文):This aticle analyses the status of agricultural water resource and water saving potential in Luancheng county, Hebei province, and studies the optimization of agricultural water resource in order to achieve the sustainable use of underground water in this region. The results indicates that, after optimizing the system and structure of crops, the total amount of water requirement can be reduced by 45.48millionsm3, the benefits of economy and environment can be improved, and the balance of exploitation and supply of underground water resource can be achieved. |
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