鼎湖山自然保护区太阳辐射环境 Ⅰ 大气上界太阳辐射 |
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出 版 社:中国环境科学出版社 |
发表时间:2002 |
台 站:
作 者:闫俊华,周国逸 |
点 击 率:6141 |
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关 键 字:鼎湖山;大气上界;太阳辐射 |
摘 要:通过对鼎湖山自然保护区大气上界太阳辐射强度和总量的理论计算,得出该区域大气上界太阳辐射强度的最大值为1343.2 w.m-2,湿季(4月~9月),大气上界太阳辐射强度较大,旱季(10月~来年3月)相反;大气上界太阳辐射年总量为12197.74 MJ.m-2,年日平均太阳辐射总量为33.418 MJ.m-2,夏季,太阳辐射总量较大,日平均为38.536 MJ.m-2,冬季相反,日平均为28.301 MJ.m-2。无论是日变化还是月变化,大气上界的太阳辐射都具有与太阳高度角相似的规律性,说明大气上界的太阳辐射强度和总量主要受太阳高度角的控制。 |
关 键 字(英文):Dinghushan;Atmospheric layer;Solar radiation |
摘 要(英文):solar radiation on atmospheric layer in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve was analyzed in this paper. The results indicated that solar radiation intensity on atmospheric layer was stronger in wet season than in dry season,and the max of it was 1343.2 w.m-2. The yearly gross solar radiation was 12197.74 MJ.m-2,and 33.418 MJ.m-2 for diurnal gross solar radiation on atmospheric layer. There was a significant difference for diurnal gross solar radiation during a year. Diurnal gross solar radiation in summer season was 38.536 MJ.m-2 , whereas only 28.301 MJ.m-2 in winter season. Variation of solar radiation on atmospheric layer is closely related to that of solar high angle. Diurnal and monthly changes of solar radiation on atmospheric layer were controlled by solar high angle. |
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鼎湖山自然保护区太阳辐射环境(I)大气上界太阳辐射.pdf |