鹤山湿地松人工林的群落结构与能量特征 |
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出 版 社: 广西植物 |
发表时间:1998年 01期 |
台 站:
作 者:曹洪麟 任海 彭少麟 |
点 击 率:6219 |
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关 键 字:湿地松人工林 群落结构 生物量 能量特征 |
摘 要: 在调查一个10年生湿地松人工纯林的基础上,用林木收获法和相关生长法测定该群落的生物量和能量分配。结果表明:本群落组成种类少,结构简单,林分的生长中心也是其能量分布中心,群落的生物量和能量现存量分别为10903t/hm2和9505MJ/m2。这些值均低于同站7年生马占相思林,可以将该群落改造成针阔混交林,以提高林分的光能利用率。 |
关 键 字(英文):Artificial forest of Pinus elliottii community structure biomass energy characteristics |
摘 要(英文):The structure of community, the biomass and standing crop of energy of a 10-years Pinus elliottii comunity in Heshan were studied The results showed that the structure is simple, species is lack, the biomass is 109 03 t/hm 2 and the standing crop of energy is 95 05 MJ/m 2 Furthermore, the growing center of the community was the distribution center of energy The pure Pinus elliottii forest could be reformed as Pinus elliottii and Acacia mangium mixed forest |
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鹤山湿地松人工林的群落结构与能量特征.PDF |