小良热带人工混交林的凋落物及其生态效益研究 |
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出 版 社:应用生态学报 |
发表时间:1998年 05期 |
台 站:
作 者:任海 彭少麟 刘鸿先 余作岳 方代有 |
点 击 率:7443 |
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关 键 字: 小良 热带人工混交林 凋落物 生态效益 |
摘 要:对小良热带人工混交林10年凋落量及其季节和年际动态研究表明,小凋落物总量年均5.539t•hm-2;凋落量的季节变化明显,一般以湿季的7月为凋落高峰;随着人工林的发育,其凋落物量的年际变化逐渐稳定;森林枯枝落叶层贮量为4.9t•hm-2,少于其年均凋落量,处于分解大于积聚的周转过程中;森林枯枝落叶层的存在可降低温度,提高湿度,显著减少径流量和泥沙流失量,并可提高土壤肥力和增加土壤动物的多样性. |
关 键 字(英文):Xiaoliang Tropical artificial mixed plantation Litterfall Ecological effects. |
摘 要(英文):Ten years studies on litterfall amount and its seasonal and annual dynamics at Xiaoliang tropical artificial mixed plantation show that the annual average amount of small litterfall was 5.539t•hm -2 . Its seasonal variation occurred obviously, with a peak in wet July. As the development of the plantation, the annual amount of litterfall was getting stable gradually. The storage of litterfall layer was 4.9t•hm -2 , less than the annual litterfall, indicating that the decomposition rate was greater than accumulation rate. The existence of forest litterfall could lower temperature, raise relative humidity, reduce runoff and soil erosion, improve soil fertility, and increase biodiversity of soil animals. |
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小良热带人工混交林的凋落物及其生态效益研究.PDF |