GIS和RS支持下广东省植被吸收PAR的估算及其时空分布 |
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出 版 社:生态学报 |
发表时间:1999年 04期 |
台 站:
作 者:郭志华 彭少麟 王伯荪 张征 |
点 击 率:5482 |
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摘 要: 在GIS和RS支持下,利用地面气象数据和NOAA-AVHRRNDVI数据估计了广东省植被在199204~199303间吸收的PAR,并分析了其时空分布特征以及不同类型植被对PAR的吸收特征。结果表明:在此期间,广东省植被年APAR介于0~1575MJ/m2a之间,其最大NPP不及全球最高值的一半;并且,广东省年APAR的时空变化显著,这主要与植被自身性质和太阳辐射的时空变化有关;即使是常绿阔叶林,其年APAR也有显著差异,并且吸收PAR的年变化显著,全年以7、10月份吸收的PAR量最高。 |
关 键 字(英文):absorbed photosynthetically active radiation AVHRR NDVI GIS Guangdong Province |
摘 要(英文):The ground meteorological data and AVHRR NDVI data have been used to assess the absorbed photosynthetically active radiation(APAR)by the vegetation in Guangdong,China.By the aid of WeatherMan program,the ground meteorological data was used to calculate the PAR and GIS(ARC/INFO)interpolation tools were exploited to create spatial surface of PAR from point layer.Then we estimated the fraction of PAR absorbed for each month during 1992 04~1993 03.The results showed that during this period,the annual APAR in Gaungdong ranged from 0~1575 MJ/ma,and the maximum Net Primary Production (NPP)in Guangdong was not half as high as the maximum NPP in the world.The seasonal variations of APAR in Guangdong were obvious because of the different nature of the vegetation and the seasonal variations of solar radiation.In the evergreen broadleaf forests,different subtypes did not have the same annual APAR,and all of them absorbed PAR more in July and October than in any other months. |
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GIS和RS支持下广东省植被吸收PAR的估算及其时空分布.PDF |