核心期刊论文目录 |
林带横断面几何形状与阻力关系的实验研究 |
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出 版 社:生态学杂志 |
发表时间:1995,I4(5):1 5—1 |
台 站:
作 者:关德新,王述礼,朱廷曜 |
点 击 率:6403 |
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关 键 字:drag,shellerbelt,section form. |
摘 要:Experimenlal Study on the Relalionship between Section Form of Shelterbelt and Its W ind Resistance.Guan Dexin,Wang Shu[i.Zhu Tingyao ([rtqitu/e Applied Ecolog3一,Academia Sini~a,S6enyang 11001 5).(~ inese.,o 口 n/ E,edogy.1 995,14(5):1 5— 19.
The characteristics of drag distribution in multi—row shelterbelt rehted to three kind of sectionform5 9vere analyzed according to the resuIts of wind tunnel experiments.This provided a basis
for constructing wind—resisting shelterbelt changing jt s section form. |
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