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出 版 社:生态学报  
台  站: 鼎湖山森林生态系统定位研究站  
作  者:林英华 张夫道 张俊清 欧阳学军 莫定生 周国逸  
点 击 率:5986
关 键 字:土壤动物 群落结构 时空变化 自然植被 鼎湖山  
摘  要:2001年10月~2002年8月采用大型改良干漏斗和手拣法对鼎湖山鼎湖山南亚热带典型常绿阔叶林、河岸常绿阔叶林、山地常绿阔叶林、针阔混交林、沟谷常绿阔叶林和灌木草丛6种自然植被类型土壤动物群落结构时空变化进行初步调查。结果表明,蜱螨目(A carina)和弹尾目(Co llem bo la)为6种自然植被常年优势类群,缨翅目(T hysanoptera)、鞘翅目(Co leoptera)、膜翅目(Hym enoptera)和双翅目(D iptera)幼虫则为常年常见类群。土壤动物群落类群和个体数量的消长规律分别是:10月=6月=8月>4月>2月=12月和4月>10月>6月>8月>2月>12月。土壤动物个体数量总数依次为南亚热带典型常绿阔叶林>河岸常绿阔叶林>山地常绿阔叶林>沟谷常绿阔叶林>针阔混交林>灌木草丛;不同月份、不同植被类型以及不同月份和不同植被类型之间土壤动物群落的组成具有较大变化,组成差异极显著(F=5.63,α=0.0001;F=11.08,α=0.0001;F=2.97,α=0.0001),不同类群之间个体数量差异极显著(F=102.38,α=0.0001),但月份间类群数差异不显著(F=0.50,α>0.05)。多样性分析表明,类群多样性和均匀性指数除南亚热带典型常绿阔叶林、山地常绿阔叶林12月最高外,其它则2月最高,优势度指数则相反;山地常绿阔叶林土壤动物群落多样性指数和均匀性指数最大,针阔混交林则最小。  
关 键 字(英文):soil fauna community structure variation of temporal and spatial natural vegetation Dinghushan  
摘  要(英文):D inghushan B io sphere Reserve, near the T rop ic of Cancer, is one of the fo remo st nat ional nature reserves in Ch ina. Its natural vegetat ion includedMonsoon evergreen broad-leaved fo rest, Ravine rain fo rest, Evergreen broad-leaved fo rest, P ine and broad2leaf m ixed fo rest, R iver-bank s fo rest and Sh rubby grassland. F rom O ctober 2001 to A ugust 2002, the so il fauna communit ies w ere invest igated by Modified Tullgren and Hand so rt ing methods in natural vegetat ion. The compo sit ion of group s, dist ribut ion, the number of individual and the diversity index of so il fauna w ere analyzed. The results show ed that A carina and Co llembo la w ere the dom inant community, and Thysanop tera, Co leop ter, Hymenop tera and D ip tera ( larva) w ere the common community in the year round. Among the 6 types of natural vegetat ion, the fluctuat ion of the number of o rder and individuals w as separately: O ctober = June = A ugust > Ap ril > February = December and Ap ril > O ctober > June > A ugust > February > December. The to tal number of the individuals and group of so il fauna w ere in o rder of Monsoon evergreen broad-leaved fo rest> R iver-bank s fo rest> Evergreen broad-leaved fo rest > Ravine rain fo rest > P ine and broad2leaf m ixed fo rest > Sh rubby grassland. By analysis of variance p rocedure, the result indicated that the so il fauna communit iesw ere significant to month s (F = 5163, A= 010001) , vegetat ion (F = 11108, A= 010001) and month s and vegetat ion (F = 2197, A= 010001 ) , and also to the number of individual at different communit ies (F = 102138, A= 010001) ,w h ile the group s w ere no t significant among month s (F = 0150, A> 0105). The so il fauna diversity in differentmonth s and different natural vegetat ionsw as compared. The diversity index and the evenness index of Monsoon evergreen broad-leaved fo rest and Mountain evergreen broad-leaved fo rest w ere the greatest in December, and o thersw ere the greatest in February, w h ile the dom inant index w as in smallest. Themo st diversity index of theMountain evergreen broad-leaved fo restw as the greatest, and the P ine and broad-leaf m ixed fo rest w as the smallest.  

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