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出 版 社:生态学报  
台  站: 鼎湖山森林生态系统定位研究站  
作  者:周小勇 黄忠良 欧阳学军 李炯 官丽莉 徐国良 张池  
点 击 率:6907
关 键 字:群落动态 演替 波动 物种多样性 鼎湖山  
摘  要:在对2 0 0 0 m2 永久样地进行5次调查的基础上,研究了鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林锥栗-厚壳桂-荷木群落在2 0 a演替过程中的物种组成结构和物种多样性的动态变化,对影响该群落演替的因素进行了分析,并对未来演替趋势作了探讨。结果表明:(1)群落个体数呈现类似“W”型动态变化。(2 )在2 0 a的演替中,黄果厚壳桂在群落乔木层消失,厚壳桂种群数量下降了98.2 1% ,都丧失了原来的优势地位,樟科植物的个体数减少了95 .35 % ;锥栗和荷木个体数都随着演替的进展在减少,正逐步走向衰亡;因此2 0 0 2年的群落应更名为锥栗-云南银柴-荷木群落。(3)群落中的阳生性树种的重要值在18.87~2 7.73之间波动,在2 0 0 2年达到最大。(4 )群落物种组成结构差异随演替时间的增加在逐渐增大,但总体变幅较小。(5 )群落的物种丰富度有小的起伏;SW指数在3.390 4~3.5 72 4范围内呈现类似于群落个体数的变化格局,在2 0 0 2年到达最大;均匀度在0 .6 175~0 .6 5 4 0范围内表现与SW指数相似的动态变化;生态优势度介于0 .1837~0 .2 4 77之间,但变化趋势与SW指数、均匀度相反。总体上看,群落物种组成结构、物种多样性都波动不大,群落仍维持相对稳定。(6 )影响群落演替并使之产生波动的主要因素是干扰,包括虫害、灾害性天气等自然干扰和以旅游活动为主的人为干扰。(7)群落将继续朝顶级群落的方向演替,但以黄果厚壳桂和厚壳桂群落为鼎湖山顶级群落代表的观点有待进一步考证  
关 键 字(英文):community dynamic succession species diversity fluctuation Dinghushan  
摘  要(英文):The monsoon evergreen broad2leaved fo rest (M EBF) in D inghushan N ature Reserve (DNR) has been considered as a zonal vegetat ion in low er subt rop ical Ch ina, w ith a h isto ry of mo re than 400 years. Its community st ructure, species diversity and community dynam ics have been studied since 1956, so a lo t of data have been w ell accumulated, w h ich benefits the study on community succession. Based on the data from five2t ime survey in a 2000m 2 permanent p lo t of the o riginal Castanop sis ch inensis 2 C ryp tocary a ch inensis 2S ch im a sup erba community ofM EBF in DNR, the community dynam ics of species compo sit ion and species diversity in a tw enty2year successional p rocess, its future successional tendency and the main facto rs that influenced the community succession w ere studied in th is paper. The results w ere show ed as fo llow s: (1) Changes of the number of individuals of community demonst rated a“W ”shape tendency. (2)Due to insect irrup t ion, the populat ion size of C ryp tocary a concinna and C ryp tocary a ch inensis decreased by 100% , 98121% , respect ively, w h ich led to lo se their dom inant status, and the number of individuals of the L au raceae decreased by 95135%; Sim ilarly, the populat ion size of Castanop sis ch inensis and S ch im a sup erba decreased w ith successional p rocesses; Therefo re, o riginal community should be renamed as Castanop sis ch inensis 2 A p orosa y unnanensis 2 S ch im a sup erba in 2002. (3) The impo rtant value of all Heliophytes in the community fluctuated from 18187 to 27173, maxim ized in 2002. ( 4 ) D ifferences in species compo sit ion among commuit ies increased w ith the community successional t ime, but their changes w ere no obvious w ith in 20 years. (5) Species richness appeared a lit t le fluctuat ion, and the values of SW index, evenness index and Simp son index of community fluctuated w ith in the ranges of 313904~ 315724, 016175~ 016540 and 011837~ 012477, respect ively. The maximum value of SW index occurred in 2002. The changes of SW and evenness indices w ere sim ilar to that of the number of individuals in the community, but the change of Simp son index w as cont rary to that of evenness index. A lthough species compo sit ion and species diversity fluctuated sligh t ly, the community st ill maintained relat ively stable. (6) The main facto rs that influenced community succession and led to community fluctuat ion m igh t include bo th natural disturbances ( insect irrup t ion, catast roph icw eather) and human disturbances ( tourism and research act ivit ies). ( 7) The community w ill app roach to a climax in the future, but the op inion that the climax community of D inghushan characterized by the dom inant species of C ryp tocary a concinna 2C ryp tocary a ch inensis needs to be further test ified.  

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