陕西省栓皮栎群落物种多样性的空间异质性 |
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出 版 社:福建林学院学报 |
发表时间:2006 |
台 站:
作 者:李林,黄忠良,张海忠,魏识广,张文辉 |
点 击 率:6355 |
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关 键 字:陕西省;栓皮栎;重要值;物种多样性 |
摘 要:采用重要值作为多样性测度指标,计算了物种丰富度指数S、多样性Simpson指数、Shannon指数、均匀度Pielou指数和Alaflo指数.分渭北黄土高原、秦岭北坡、巴山地区三区,研究了陕西不同区域生物多样性特征,物种从渭北到秦岭,再到巴山,越来越丰富,林内的差异性也越来越大,均匀度就越来越差.分海拔探讨了物种多样性特征,得出海拔700—900m处是最适宜栓皮栎生长的.讨论了其它环境因子对多样性的影响,进而提出了在暖湿的陕南秦巴山区,海拔700—900m处,营造栓皮栎的人工林,把人们的对栓皮栎的利用转到人工林的
利用上来,应该尽快采取措施对原有天然林进行保护. |
关 键 字(英文):Shanxi Province;Qttercus variabilis;importance value;biodiversity |
摘 要(英文):Importance value was used as the measuring of biodiversity,The richness index of species.Simpson and Shannon biodi-versity indexes,Pielou and Alatlo evenness indexes of Quercus tariaabilis were calculated.According the physieal characters,the study divided Shanxi Province into three parts:Weibei loess Plateau,North slope of Qinling mountain,North slope of Bashan mountain, species richness on Bashan mountain was the highest,and Qinling mountain was higher than Weibei loess Plateau.The evenness became littier and littler from Weibei loess P1ateau to North slope of Qinling mountain to North slope of Bashan mountain.The diversity was discussed on three attitude steps.The results showed that the best attitude for Q.variaabilis growing was 700-900m. The article also discussed the influence of other environmental factors on biodiversity.The measures were raised for the protection of Q.variabilis forests.The man-controled forest should build in Bashan and Qinling mountain at attitude 700—900m.The measures should adopt to protect the natural forest rapidly.
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陕西省栓皮栎群落物种多样性的空间异质性_2006 福建林学院学报 李林.pdf |