出版物目录 |
鹤山针阔叶混交林的种群竞争初步研究 |
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出 版 社:湖南环境生物职业技术学院学报 |
发表时间:1997年 01期 |
台 站:
作 者:任海 彭少麟 曹洪麟 |
点 击 率:5172 |
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关 键 字:种间竞争 针阔叶混交林 鹤山(广东) |
摘 要: 通过对鹤山针阔叶混交林种群竞争的研究发现,10年生同龄大叶相思—马尾松群落中,大叶相思生长良好,马尾松种群生长不良和死亡率高达72%;异龄大叶相思—湿地松群落内两种群均生长良好;马尾松、湿地松和大叶相思等纯 林内个体高度和胸径的分化差异小,而混交林内各种群个体高度和胸径分化差异大,尤其是大叶相思比针叶树种更明显;在考虑种群竞争指标时,个体枝叶的生物量或单位面积的生物量比植株数和构件更好;大叶相思—湿地松混交林总的生物量为69.091/hm~2,大叶相思—马尾松混交林为55.282/hm~2,这两个群落的生物量均低于7年生大叶相思纯林;营造针阔叶混交林时应以异龄块状混交方式为主。 |
关 键 字(英文):Interspecific competition Coniferons-broadleaved mixed forest He shan (Guangdong) |
摘 要(英文):The interspecific competition of coniferous-broad leaved mixed forest in Heshan, Guangdong,China was studied. Acacia auricutaeformis-Pinus massomiana mind forest of same ages (SA), Acac-iaauriculaeformispopulationgrew well, bulFinusmassomiana population contracted, its rale of death and pre-death was 72%; However, two population, which is Pinns elliotii- Acacia auriculaeformis mixed foresi of different ages (DA). grew we11. The divergenceof Height(H) and Diameter at Breast Height(DBH) of every indiviual in pure forest of Acacia auriculaeformis. Pinns massomiana and Pinus elliotii are little, but the SA and DA forests arc great especiallyin the popula-tionof Acaciaauricu1aeformis. Instudying interspecificorintrspecific competition, the branch andleaf biomass or total biomass are belter than the numberof individual or module; The biomass of SA and DA forests were 55. 2Sand 69. 091/hm2 respective1y, and its biomass were lower than that of 7 years old pure Acacia auriculaeformis forest; The coniferous-broad leave |
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鹤山针阔叶混交林的种群竞争初步研究.PDF |