土壤水分状况对长白山阔叶红松林主要树种叶片生理生态特性的影响 |
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出 版 社:生态学杂志 |
发表时间:2002.21(1):1~5 |
台 站:
作 者:王 淼, 代力民, 姬兰柱 |
点 击 率:9096 |
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关 键 字:关键词:土壤水分状况.净光台速率.燕腾速率,水分利用率 |
摘 要:Eft~.t 0f Sail M o~ture Statm ∞ SⅧ e Ecc-Physiologim l Indexes of Dominant Tree Species in the Pine Broad]ear Forest of
Chaagbai Mountain.Wang Miao,Dai Limin.ji Lar,zhu(Institute of Apflied Ecology.Chinese Academy Sc~2ce$,
Shenyang 110016),Li Qiurong(General HosPiml in Shengyang Military District,Shenyang 110o16)-Guo Yuqi rIg(胁‘·
r衄“ ‰ ti咖 MountainNationalReserve,Jilin,Antu 133613)Ch inese1ournalof Eco:o~ -2002,21(1):1-5
Potted seadllngsof Pinus koraiensis-Fraxinus mandshurica- glan$mand.~hurica,n抽amurensi$,and Q“ m
golica.which are five dominant species in the Korean pine broadled ~orest at Changhai mountain.we grown in diferent
80ilm0istLlr We de~dgned three 5。n mo~mre scemrice:85% ~100%(high water.CK).65% ~85% (medium water,
MW)and 48% ~65% (1ow water,LW)offield water—holding capacity.The results show that characteristics oftypi
drought-resistance on the leaves are slgnificandy de.doped The rle'~photosynthetic rate and w~ter use dficiency。f F.
mandshurica were higher compared with CK at MW .The net photosynthetic rate and water use dficiency of other 4 tree
species at CK were lower than tho~e at MW and LW .The transpiration rate of 5 tre species r oⅡ5es cllfferendy∞ various
soil w~lte/"status.
Key w0I‘l :30d moisture srattls,net photo6ynthes~.transpiration rate,water use eflklency.
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