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出 版 社:热带亚热带植物学报  
台  站: 鼎湖山森林生态系统定位研究站  
作  者:旷远文 温达志 周国逸 张德强 曹裕松  
点 击 率:6342
关 键 字:大气污染 木本植物 干重热值 去灰分热值 C/N  
摘  要:用氧弹热值仪测定了生长在硫和氟复合污染环境和相对洁净环境下的9种木本植物幼苗叶片热值。结果表明,植物叶片的基础干重热值、灰分含量因种类不同而有差异,其中热值较高的(大于19.00 kJ g-1)植物有铁冬青(Ilexrotunda)、华润楠(Machiluschinensis)和仪花(Lysidicerhodostegia),热值中等的(介于18.00-19.00 kJ g-1)植物有复羽叶栾树(Koelreuteriabipinnata)、环榕(Ficusannulata)、乐昌含笑(Micheliachapensis)、小叶榕(Ficusmicrocarpa)和红花油茶(Camelliasemiserrata),热值低的(低于18.00 kJ g-1)种类有火焰木(Spathodeacampanulata)。大气污染导致复羽叶栾树、华润楠和铁冬青幼苗叶片基础干重热值增加,仪花、含笑、小叶榕、火焰木和红花油茶幼苗叶片基础干重热值下降,环榕基础干重热值则维持相对稳定。Pearson相关系数分析表明,9种植物幼苗叶片去灰分热值与叶片自身C/N比、叶片灰分含量的相关性均不显著,但污染胁迫下植物幼苗叶片热值相对波动程度与其对污染物的抗性有关,提示叶片热值可以作为植物幼苗对硫和氟复合污染的敏感性指标。  
关 键 字(英文):Air pollution Woody species Gross caloric value Ash-free caloric value C/N ratio  
摘  要(英文):Seedlings of nine tree species grown in pots were exposed to contamination environment of sulphur and fluoride at Nanzhuang town, a ceramic industry area in Fushan city, Guangdong, and another part of the same plants were potted at South China Botanical Garden as control. The dry matter of seedling leaves was used to measure the gross caloric value by oxygen-bomb calorimeter. The ash content, ash-free caloric value and the ratio of N and C were also determined. The results showed that the caloric values in Ilex rotunda, Machilus chinensis and Lysidice rhodostegia were relatively high (above 19.00 kJ g-1), and the values in Koelreuteria bipinnata, Ficus annulata, Michelia chapensis, Ficus microcarpa and Camellia semiserrata were lower (between 18.00-19.00 kJ g-1) than the above three species, but higher than the value of Spathodea campanulata, which is lower than 18.00 kJ g-1. The air pollution stress caused the increase of gross caloric values in Koelreuteria bipinnata, Machilus chinensis and Ilex rotunda,but decrease of those in Lysidice rhodostegia, Michelia chinensis, Ficus microcarpa, Spathodea campanulat and Camellia semiserrata. However, the caloric values of Ficus annulata had only little change between polluted and less polluted environments. The analysis of Pearson correlation coefficients showed that the ash-free caloric value in leaves of the seedlings of 9 species did not significantly correlate with the C/N ratio and the ash content for corresponding species. However, the fluctuations of leaf caloric values in the same species under different environments were related to the pollution tolerance of the species, suggesting that the caloric value in leaves can be considered as an index of species sensitivity to air pollution.  

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