出版物目录 |
鼎湖山马尾松群落能量分配及其生产的动态 |
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出 版 社:广西植物 |
发表时间:2005 |
台 站:
作 者:方运霆,莫江明,李德军,曹裕松 |
点 击 率:5495 |
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关 键 字:热值; 能量现存量; 能量生产量; 马尾松; 鼎湖山 |
摘 要:对鼎湖山马尾松群落各组分热值、能量现存量、能量净生产量及群落太阳能转化效率进行了研究。结果表明: (1) 乔木层马尾松各器官热值相差不大,为19. 02~20. 30 kJ / g(总平均19. 34 kJ / g) ;灌木层植物热值低于乔木层,为16. 55~18. 78 kJ / g(总平均17. 82 kJ / g) ;草本层植物热值低于灌木层,为13. 07~16. 16 kJ /g (总平均15. 03 kJ / g) 。(2) 群落能量总现存量随时间而增加,且组分分配比例因年份不同而异。在1990 、1995 和2000 年分别为167 141. 4 、270 295. 9 和321 294. 3 kJ / m2 ,其中乔木层占93. 4 %、79. 8 %和86. 7 % ,林下层占3. 5 %、10. 6 %和7. 2 % ,而地表现存凋落物层仅占3. 2 %、9. 5 %和6. 1 %。(3) 群落在1990~1995 年和1995~2000 年期间能量净生产每年分别为1 7083. 2 kJ / m2 和21 571. 8 kJ / m2 ,其中乔木层占96. 6 %和9515 % ,林下层仅占3. 4 %和5. 0 %。所有能量生产量中,群落自身增长能量(即年能量存留量) 占72. 7 %和57. 6 % ,而释放到其它子系统的能量占27. 3 %和42. 4 %。(4) 群落太阳能转化效率在1990~1995 年和1995~2001 年分别为0. 759 %和0. 958 % ,10 年平均为0. 873 %。 |
关 键 字(英文):gross caloric value ; standing crop of energy ; energy production ; Pinus massoniana ; Dinghushan |
摘 要(英文):Dynamics of energy dist ribution and it s production of a Pinus massoniana community in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve were studied over a ten year period f rom 1990 to 2000. Gross caloric value was estimated to be 19. 34 kJ / g for t ree (range 19. 02~20. 30 kJ / g) ,17. 82 kJ / g for shrub (16. 55~18. 78 kJ / g) ,and 15. 03 for
herb (range 13. 07~16. 16 kJ / g) . The standing crop of energy was 167 141. 4 kJ / m2 (1990) ,270 295. 9 kJ / m2 (1995) and 321 294. 3 kJ / m2 (2000) ,with t ree accounting for 93. 4 % ,79. 8 % and 86. 7 % , respectively. Net energy production was 17 083. 2 kJ / m2 . a for the period f rom 1990~1995 and 21 571. 8 kJ / m2 . a for the period from 1995~2000 ,of which 96. 6 % and 95. 5 % was cont ributed by t ree ,the rest by under story plant . Of total net energy production ,72. 7 %(during1990~1995) and 57. 6 %(during 1995~2000) was accumulated as biomass energy ,and 27. 3 %(during 1990~1995) and 42. 4 %(during 1995~2000) was returned to soil by litter2
fall . Relative to the photosynthetic active radiation on the stand ,the energy conver sing efficiency of P. massoniana community was 0. 759 %for the period of 1990~1995 , 0. 958 %for the period of 1995~2000 ,with a total mean of 01873 %for the period of 1990~2000. The current management for pine forest in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve was al so discussed based on the result s of this study. |
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鼎湖山马尾松群落能量分配及其生产的动态_2005 广西植物 方运霆.pdf |