油页岩废渣场26种木本植物光合作用和生长的差异 |
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出 版 社:热带亚热带植物学报 |
发表时间:2006 |
台 站:
作 者:孔国辉,刘世忠,吴彤,黄娟,林植芳,陈志东,张进忠 |
点 击 率:5489 |
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关 键 字:油页岩废渣场;最大净光合速率;光能利用率;木本植物;生长参数 |
摘 要:比较了生长在广东省茂名市茂南区油页岩废渣场4a多的26种木本植物的光合作用.光响应和生长特征。测定了最大净光合速率(Pmax)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO 浓度(ci)和株高、胸径(DBH),并计算了表观光量子效率(AQY)、瞬时光能利用效率(ILUE)。根据上述参数的不同,参试植物被分成3级:速生种平均DBH为9.44±2.23 ctn,其相应的平均Pmax 为l8.44±l_38 ixmol m s , ILUE 为1.1l±0.68% 和AQY 为0.0474±
0.007 Ixmol CO2 Ixmol~quantum。中速生长植物则分别为5.09~0.90 cm、l1.54~1.0l Ixmol m- s~、0.75~0.12% 和0.0406~0.004 lamol CO2 Ixmol~quantum。慢速生长的植物中,各参数则只有2.03~0.65 cm、6.71~2。82 Ixmol m- s~、0。47~0.12%和0.03l8~0.006 Ixmol CO,ixmol~quantum。统计分析显示,ILUE和Pmax或DBH呈极显著正相关,株高与DBH和总叶面积(TLA)亦呈极显著正相关。结果表明,植物光合作用.光响应曲线和光能利用效率能有效地评价植物对生长环境的适应性。从树种对光能的利用、生长的优势和有较高的水分利用效率综合评价,提出了对油页岩废渣场生态恢复应
用较适宜的树种有:大叶相思、木棉、刺桐、油榄仁、红胶木、海南红豆、铁刀木、雨树、红荷木和乌墨。 |
关 键 字(英文):Oil shale waste dumps;Maximum net photosynthetic rate;Light use eficiency;Woody plants;Growth features |
摘 要(英文):Photosynthesis—light response and growth feature were compared among 26 woody plants of over 4 years grown at the oil shale waste dump in Maonan district of M aoming city,Gnangdong Province. A remarkable difference was found in maximum net photosynthetic rate(Pmax),apparent quantum yield(AQY),instantaneous light utilization eficiency(ILUE), plant height and diameter at breast height(DBH) among the tested species.According to growt h and photosyn thesis features,the trees were divided into 1 the fast—growing plants
with the average DBH value of 9.44_+2.23 cm,the average Pmax of 1 8.44_+1.38 Ixmol m。s。。,ILUE of 1.1 1±0.68%and AQY of 0.0474_+0.007 ixmol CO2 Ixmol quantum;2)the moderate—growing plants with the above values of
5.09_+0.90 cm ,1 1.54_+1.01 ixm ol m。s。。,0.75_+0.12% and 0.0406_+0.004 Ixmol C02 ixmol。。quantum.respectively;and 3)the slow—growing plants with above values dropping to 2.03-+0.65 cm,6.7 1±2.82 Ixmol m-2s。。,0-47±0.1 2% |
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油页岩废渣场26种木本植物光合作用和生_2006 热带亚热带植物学报 孔国辉.pdf |