稻草还田的土壤肥力与产量效应研究 |
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出 版 社:中国生态农业学报 |
发表时间:2008,1 |
台 站:
作 者:佘冬立,王凯荣,谢小立等 |
点 击 率:7911 |
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关 键 字:稻草还田 土壤肥力 农学产量效益 肥料报酬率 经济效益 |
摘 要:18年稻草还田定位试验和3年田间示范试验研究表明,稻草直接还田对改善土壤理化性状具有显著效果。长期定位试验化肥+稻草还田区水稻产量相对无肥区(CK)增产80.8%,但与等量NPK的纯化肥区差异不显著。示范试验结果表明,短期稻草还田具有显著增产作用,增产率达3.7%~6.8%。氮肥的增产作用显著,建议氮肥和习惯氮肥处理增产率分别为38.8%和47.4%,而氮肥的农学产量效益分别为每公斤纯氮增产谷粒13.7kg和11.7kg,肥料报酬率随施氮量增加而递减。经济效应分析表明,稻草还田配施减量氮肥可降低肥料成本,提高经济效益。 |
关 键 字(英文):Rice straw incorporation,Soil fertility,Agronomic efficiency, Fertilizer benefit ratio, Economic efficiency |
摘 要(英文):Eighteen years of rice straw incorporation experiment and three years of field experiment show that straw incorporation into the soil can improve soil fertility and significantly increase yield. Grain yield of fertilized soil with rice straw is 80.8% higher than that of CK ,but no significant yield difference exists between NPK fertilization with rice straw incorporation and NPK fertilization alone in the 12-year (long-term) experiment. In the 3-year (short-term) field experiment, rice straw incorporation increases grain yield by 3.7% - 6.8%. N fertilization significantly increases rice yield and the rates of increase of grain yield by recommended N and farmer-applied N are 38.8% and 47.4% ,with agronomic efficiencies of 13.7 kg and 11.7 kg grain per kilogram N fertilizer, respectively. Fertilizer benefit ratio decreases with increasing N fertilization. Economic analysis shows that use of straw residue along with recommended N fertilizer reduces fertilizer cost,and concomitantly improves economic efficiency. |
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