亚热带天然次生常绿阔叶林与杉木人工林土壤动物群落特征比较 |
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出 版 社:应用生态学报 |
发表时间:2004.10 |
台 站:
作 者:颜绍馗. 汪思龙. 胡亚林. 高洪. 张秀永. |
点 击 率:11411 |
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关 键 字:杉木. 天然次生常绿阔叶林. 土壤动物. |
摘 要:调查了中亚热带会同林区毗邻的天然次生常绿阔叶林、一代杉木纯林和二代杉木纯林土壤动物群落特征.结果表明,采伐天然林,接着栽植杉木人工林后,土壤动物的多度和多样性均出现明显下降,而土壤动物的生物量和生产力却没有明显差别.杉木连栽对土壤动物的多度、多样性、生物量影响甚少,特别是杉木一、二代土壤动物的生产力接近相等.此项研究结果支持植被是影响土壤动物演替的一个主要原因,也暗示杉木长期连作对土壤动物群落的影响是一个非常缓慢的过程. |
关 键 字(英文):Chinese fir , Native secondary evergreen broad2leaved forest , Soil fauna |
摘 要(英文):In this study, we investigated the response of soil animal communities to the replacement of native secondary forest by Chinese fir plantation forest and successive rotation of Chinese fir in subtropics. Three adjacent forest stands, i.e.,native secondary evergreen broad-leaved forest stand (control) and Chinese fir plantation stands of first (20 yr) and second (20 yr) rotations were selected for the comparison of soil fauna. All animals were extracted from the floor litter and 0~15 cm soil layer of the stands in Summer ,2003 by using Tullgren method , wet funnel method and hand-sorting method. Compared to two Chinese fir plantation forests, the native secondary evergreen broad-leaved forest had a higher abundance and a higher taxonomic diversity of animals in soil and litter, but there were no significant differences in the biomass and productivity of soil fauna between all study stands. The abundance or diversity did not differ significantly between the first rotation and second rotation stands, too. The results supported that vegetation cover might be one of the main forces driving the development of soil animal communities, and the effect of successive rotation of Chinese fir on the development of soil fauna was a slow running process.
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亚热带天然次生常绿阔叶林与杉木人工林土壤动物群落特征比较.PDF |