鼎湖山自然保护区太阳辐射环境 Ⅱ 地面太阳辐射 |
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出 版 社:中国环境科学出版社 |
发表时间:2002 |
台 站:
作 者:闫俊华,周国逸,孟泽 |
点 击 率:6336 |
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关 键 字:鼎湖山;地面;太阳辐射 |
摘 要:通过分析鼎湖山自然保护区地面太阳辐射强度和总量4a的观测资料,得出该区域地面太阳辐射强度的日变化呈抛物线型,月变化规律呈双峰曲线,地表的太阳辐射强度以下半年(7~12月)较大,上半年(1~6月)较小,同大气上界太阳辐射相反,显示了该地区地面太阳辐射较大程度上受近地面天气状况影响。鼎湖山自然保护区地面太阳总辐射量为4791.48 MJ.m-2,同大气上界的太阳辐射总量相比,约有39.3%到达地表面,下半年的日平均量为16.3475 MJ.m-2,上半年的为9.8234 MJ.m-2,彼此相差近1倍;湿季(4~9月)比旱季(10~来年3月)差异也较为明显,湿季的日平均量为16.2086 MJ.m-2,旱季的日平均量为9.9623 MJ.m-2。鼎湖山自然保护区属于典型的东亚季风气候,其地面太阳辐射并没有显著的纬度地带性规律,无论是辐射强度还是辐射总量,较同纬度地区小得多,为该地区存在森林植被景观提供了适宜的能量基础。 |
关 键 字(英文):Dinghushan;Surface of ground;Solar radiation |
摘 要(英文):Base on four years observation data in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, solar radiation on the ground surface was analyzed in this paper. The results showed that diurnal change of solar radiation intensity conformed to the curve of parabola and monthly change was fitted to the curve of double peaks. Solar radiation intensity on the surface ground was stronger in the second half year (from July to December) than in the first half year (from January to June),but that on atmospheric layer is on the contrary, which suggested that solar radiation was controlled by weather conditions in the larger scale. The yearly gross solar radiation on the surface ground was 4971.48 MJ.m-2, which is 39.3% of that on atmospheric layer. Diurnal gross solar radiation in the second half year was 16.3475 MJ.m-2, only 9.8234 MJ.m-2 in the first half year. There was a significant difference for diurnal gross solar radiation during a year. Diurnal gross solar radiation in wet season (from April to September) was 16.2086 MJ.m-2, whereas only 9.9623 MJ.m-2 in dry season (from October to next year March). Dinhushan Biosphere Reserve belonged to monsoon climate of East Asia. There was not significant latitude effect of solar radiation on the surface ground. Intensity and gross of solar radiation were much less than that in the same latitude region, which contributed to presence vegetative landscape by offering appropriate energy basis. |
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鼎湖山自然保护区太阳辐射环境(II)地面太阳辐射.pdf |