小良热带人工混交林的凋落物研究 |
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出 版 社:广东林业科技 |
发表时间:1997年 01期 |
台 站:
作 者:方代有 任海 彭少麟 |
点 击 率:9965 |
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关 键 字:小良 热带人工混交林 凋落物 |
摘 要: 研讨了小良热带人工混交林10年的凋落量及其季节和年际动态,并对其现存凋落量进行了初步研究,结果表明:小凋落物总量年均为5.539t/hm2;凋落量的季节变化明显,一般以湿季的7月为凋落高峰;随着人工林的发育,其凋落物量的年际变化逐渐稳定;凋落物的现存量为4.9t/hm2,少于其年均凋落量,处于分解大于积聚的周转过程中 |
关 键 字(英文): Xiaoliang litterfall tropical man made mixed forest |
摘 要(英文):A study on the litterfall in tropical man made forest was carried out at Xiaoliang, Guangdong province from Jan. 1984 to Dec. 1994. The plantation was dominated by Aphanamixis polystachya, Chukrasia tabularis, Acacia auriculiformis, Aquilaria sinensis, Cassia siamea and Albizzia odoratissima . According to investigation data, the annual litterfall averaged 5.539 t/hm 2 and monthly litterfall varied apparent. Greater litterfall took place in raining season with a peak in July. The annual litterfall was getting stable with plantation growing up. The litter had a storage of 4.9 t/hm 2 on the ground. The decomposition rate was greater than the accumilation rate. |
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小良热带人工混交林的凋落物研究.PDF |