广东潮阳沙荒地的改造与开发 |
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出 版 社:热带地理 |
发表时间:1998年 03期 |
台 站:
作 者:任海 彭少麟 周厚诚 |
点 击 率:3854 |
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关 键 字:海岸沙滩地 防护林 改造与开发 广东潮阳 |
摘 要: 广东省潮阳市田心镇农林场自1959年起用工程措施和生物措施相结合的方法进行沙荒地的改造及综合利用,在近海边营造木麻黄防护林带,近陆面营造防护林网,网格内种植作物和水果。经多年的实践,筛选出了适生的防护林树种和果树品种。在沙滩地上开展林、果综合利用可提高植物多样性,改变土壤结构和增加肥力,改善小气候,增强防风固沙能力,并伴有较大的经济效益。 |
关 键 字(英文):Improvement and exploitation Coastal Sandy Soil Shelter Forest Chaoyang of Guangdong |
摘 要(英文):The coastal Sandy soil has been improved and exploited by engineering and biological methods at Tianxin Agricultural and Forestry Farm in Chaoyang since 1959. Casuarina equisetifolia protection forest of 100 - 200 m in width was planted near the sea, while Shelter forest netWork of 50 × 50 m checks was constructed close tO the protection forest. Crops and fruits were planted within the network . The comprehensive exploitation of the Sandy land has brought about the development of biodiversity, the xeric plants in coastal degraded land have been replaced by the sciophyte species. The investigation also shows that the structure, physical and chemical properties and fertilization of soil have been greatly improved . It is considered that the forest network can increase the fertility of soil, improve the microclimate, and increase the economic benefits for local people. The measures of exploitation must suit the natural, social, economic conditions and meet the demands of the land owners. |
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广东潮阳沙荒地的改造与开发.PDF |