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出 版 社:生态学报  
台  站: 鼎湖山森林生态系统定位研究站  
作  者:莫江明 方运霆 徐国良 李德军 薛璟花  
点 击 率:6765
关 键 字:N沉降 CO2排放 CH4吸收 响应 全球变化 南亚热带  
摘  要:研究了鼎湖山生物圈保护区苗圃(幼苗)、马尾松、混交林和季风常绿阔叶林(季风林)土壤CO2 排放和CH4 吸收的一些特征及其对模拟N沉降增加的响应。结果表明,土壤CO2 日(白天)平均排放量的大小顺序为(平均值±标准误) :苗圃(2 5 8±6 2mg•m- 2 •h- 1 ) >季风林(177±4 2 mg•m- 2 •h- 1 ) >马尾松林(16 2±39mg•m- 2 •h- 1 ) >混交林(12 6±30 mg•m- 2 •h- 1 )。土壤CH4 日(白天)平均吸收量的大小顺序为:马尾松林(- 0 .15±0 .0 2 mg•m- 2 •h- 1 ) >季风林(- 0 .0 8±0 .0 1mg•m- 2 •h- 1 ) >混交林(- 0 .0 7±0 .0 1mg•m- 2•h- 1 ) >苗圃(- 0 .0 5±0 .0 1m g•m- 2•h- 1 )。低N(5 0 kg N•hm- 2•a- 1 )和中N(10 0kg N•hm- 2•a- 1 )处理对苗圃、马尾松林和混交林样地土壤CO2 日平均排放量的影响均不明显,高N(15 0 kg N•hm- 2•a- 1 )处理对苗圃土壤CO2 的日平均排放量也无显著影响,但倍高N(30 0 kg N•hm- 2 •a- 1 )处理显著促进苗圃样地土壤CO2 的排放。然而,所有N(低N、中N和高N)处理均显著促进季风林土壤CO2 日平均排放量,且这种促进作用随N处理水平的升高而增加。N处理显著促进季风林和马尾松林土壤对CH4 吸收速率,但对混交林土壤CH4 吸收则无明显的影响。在苗圃样地,除倍高N外,N处理对土壤CH4 吸收速率也无显著作用,但倍高N处理使苗圃土壤发生功能转变,即从CH4 汇转变为CH4 源  
关 键 字(英文):N deposition CO_2 emission CH_4 uptake response global change subtropics  
摘  要(英文):The anthropogenic emission of nitrogen (N) compounds is increasing globally. In China, the emission of reactive N increased from 1.4×10~7 t•a~(-1) in 1961 to 6.8×10~7 t•a~(-1) in 2000. Currently this leads to deposition of 30~73 kg•hm~(-2)•a~(-1) in some forests of southern China. The possible impacts of elevated N input on vegetation, N cycling, acidification, and N leaching in tropical and subtropical forests have only been addressed in few studies. In China, the first such studies were carried out in the Dinghushan reserve (an IGBP-GCTE site) based on the design and methods used in the European NITREX project. The principal goal of this study was to measure the effects of nitrogen deposition on soil CO_2 emission and CH_4 uptake in soils of a nursery, pine forest (PF), pine and broadleaf mixed forest (MF), and monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest (MEBF) in the UNESCO/MAB Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve (DHSBR) in southern China. The nursery was dominated by the seedlings of three plant species (Schima superba,C ryp tocary a concinna and Castanop sis ch inensis).  

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