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出 版 社:生态环境  
台  站: 鼎湖山森林生态系统定位研究站  
作  者:郑飞翔,余春珠,温达志,旷远文,刘菊秀,褚国伟  
点 击 率:4787
关 键 字:大气污染;树苗;生长特征;干物质分配;抗性  
摘  要:将乡土木本植物猫尾木Dolichandrone cauda-felina、蒲桃Syzygium jambos、野牡丹Melastoma candidum、翻白叶树Pterospermum heterophyllum以及鸭脚木Schefflera octophylla 1年生袋装苗盆栽,置半庇荫环境下适应4周,之后按株数均等分成两组,分别放置在南海五星污染区和广州华南植物园清洁区进行试验。5个月后进行植物构形生长参数和干物质量的测定,以探讨这5种亚热带树苗对大气污染响应的差异。结果表明,①这5种树苗均能在清洁区和污染区都存活,但生长特征表现明显差别。②除翻自叶树基径有少许增大外,大气污染基本上都使植物基径生长减小;树高方面,除了蒲桃外,其余树种树高都有所降低,鸭脚木树高受到的影响最为严重。③ 翻白叶树与猫尾木单株侧枝数有少许增加,而蒲桃和鸭脚木单株侧枝数有大幅度地下降,分别减少为清洁区单株侧枝数的46.5%和65.1%,野牡丹单株侧枝数基本上没有受到影响。④在亏染区生长的5个树种单株干物质总量除了翻自叶树有所增加外,其余4个树种单株干物质量均有不同程度地下降。⑤除了蒲桃保持不变外, 亏染区生长4种植物冠根比(CRR)均有不同程度地增加。在污染区生长的植株叶质量比(LWR)和叶面积比(LAR)与清洁区相比存在差异,野牡丹和蒲桃叶质量比和叶面积比下降,而其余3种植物叶质量比和叶面积比上升。综合实验结果表明,5种植物幼苗中对大气污染抗性最强的是翻白叶树和蒲桃,抗性最弱的是鸭脚木。  
关 键 字(英文):ambient air pollution;plant seedlings;growth responses;dry mass allocation;resistance  
摘  要(英文):One-year-old seedlings of five native species including Dofichandrone cauda-felina,Syzygium jambos,Melastoma can-didum, Pterospermum heterophyllu,and Schefflera octophylla were planted in pot containers and acclimated under partially shaded regime for 4 weeks.And further,seedlings of each species were divided into two groups with equivalent individuals for each group,which were exposed to the clean and the polluted site,respectively.After five months,dimensional growth parameters and dry mass allocation were measured and analysed to study the diferences in response of these subtropical woody species to atmospheric pollution.The results showed,①All these five species seedlings can survive in both experimental sites.but difered in growth parameters (2)The ground diameter and total height in all species decreased under air pollution with the exceptions of slightly increase in diameter of P heterophyllum significant increasein height of S. jambos.(3)Under the polluted site,the branch number per plant in P. heterophyllum,D.cauda-felina and M.candidum showed no significant change,but it decreased in S. jambos and S. octophylla to 46.5% and 65.1%of those growing at the clean site respectively.④All species except for heterophyllum showed decrease in total dry mass per plant under pollution.(5)The crown—root ratio(CRR)decreased in all species growing under pollution environment except for S.jambos that nearly no change appeared in its CRR.Similarly,the LWR and LAR in M.candidum and S.jambos decreased while both parameters revealed an increase fiend in other species under air pollution.In general,the results from this study demonstrated that P.heterophyllum and S.jambos had highest potentials in resisting pollution stress.and S.octophylla was most sensitive to poilution  

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