桤木混交对杉木人工林大型土壤动物群落的影响 |
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出 版 社:应用与环境生物学报 |
发表时间:2004-8-24 |
台 站:
作 者:颜绍馗 汪思龙 于小军 申正其 陈善喜 |
点 击 率:7231 |
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关 键 字:杉木; 桤木; 人工混交林; 大型土壤动物 |
摘 要:调查了中亚热带会同地区13 a生杉木纯林(纯林)和8杉木2桤木混交林(混交林)的大型土壤动物群落,并比较了两个林分在群落结构上的差别.结果表明:双翅目是两个群落在数量上的优势类群,分别占全部大型土壤动物个体数的52.1%和82.4%.杉木跟桤木混交以后,保留了纯林的大部分属性,各类群在大型土壤动物群落中的地位基本保持不变, 双翅目、蜘蛛目、膜翅目仍然是最主要的类群,但这种混交方式改变了一些土壤动物的群落结构参数,多度和丰富度出现上升的趋势,均匀度显著降低.在各类群中,主要以双翅目幼虫的多度和相对多度增加幅度较大,这种变化是降低整个群落均匀度的一个主要原因. |
关 键 字(英文):Chinese fir; alder; mixed plantation; soil macrofauna |
摘 要(英文):The increasing evidence for the effect of mixtures indicated mixing alder(Alnus cremastogyne Burk.)into Chinese fir 〔Cunninghamia lanceolata (lamb.) Hook.〕 plantation affects soil development and nutrient availability. But it is not clear whether the mixed tree species affect the structure of soil animal communities. In order to test the direct effect of mixed species on soil fauna and draw some preliminary conclusions on mixture effects, we investigated
soil macrofauna of the 13 a mixed stand (Stand CA) of 80% of Chinese firs with 20% of alders vs pure Chinese fir stand (Stand C) in spring, 2003. The results showed the overall effect of mixtures
on soil fauna was not excessively strong. Many community attributes in pure Chinese fir plantation were also found in mixed plantation of Chinese firs with alders. Diptera, Hymenoptera and Araneae
remained to be the main taxa in mixed stand, dominated by Diptera larvae accounting for more than 82% of the macrofauna collected (52% in Stand C). However, some significant differences of the two stands also demonstrated the mixed species lead to increases in the richness of macrofauna and abundance of some taxa, and decreases in the Pielou′s evenness resulting from the rapid proliferation of Diptera insects. |
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桤木混交对杉木人工林大型土壤动物群落的影响.pdf |