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出 版 社:热带地理  
发表时间:1999年 04期  
台  站: 鹤山丘陵综合开放试验站  
作  者:曹洪麟 蔡锡安 彭少麟 余作岳  
点 击 率:5122
关 键 字:常绿阔叶林 次生林 群落分析  
摘  要: 鹤山龙口村边次生常绿阔叶林属季风常绿阔叶林类型,其种类组成复杂多样而富于热带性,据1200m2的样方统计,有维管束植物62种,分属于32科、54属,其中,属热带分布的有32种,属热带-亚热带分布的有21种,属亚热带分布的只有7种,其余2种为世界分布。本群落的外貌终年常绿,层次结构复杂而不明显,样地内高于1-5m的立木有52种1857株,灌木层种类和株数尚多,100m2内有185株,草本层以乔灌木幼苗为主,草本植物较少。群落组成结构与地带性常绿阔叶林相似,乔、灌、草各层的物种多样性指数在4左右,群落均匀度为0-7~0-9,生态优势度为0-07~0-10,但群落明显具有次生性,大部分优势种群呈集群分布。若能减少人为干扰破坏,本群落将向地带性典型植被类型演替。  
关 键 字(英文):Evergreen broad-leaf forest Secondary forest Community analysis  
摘  要(英文):The secondary monsoon evergreen broad-leaf forest at a village of Longkou Town, Heshan City, Guangdong, located at the south edge of sub-tropical zone, is a community of Helicia cochinchinensis, Endospermum chinense, Machilus chinensis and Gironniera subaequalis. A 1 200 m 2 plot of the community consists of 32 families, 54 genera and 62 species, of which 32 species are tropical elements, 21 pan-tropical and 7 sub-tropical, and the others are extensive species. An evergreen appearance and complicated vertical structure are found in the community. There are 1 857 tree individuals which are over 1 5 m in height in the plot, and 185 shrub individuals in the 100 m 2 plot. Most herb species are offspring of trees and shrubs, the true grasses are few. The organization structure of the community is similar to that of the zonal vegetation. The Shannon-Winner index is about 4, the community evenniss 0 7~0 9 and Simpson ecological dominance 0 07~0 10. Most of the dominant population of the community are of clu  

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