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台  站: 北京城市生态系统站  
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1.   Hong Zhang, Yonglong Lu, R.W. Dawson, Yajuan Shi and Tieyu Wang. Classification and ordination of DDT and HCH in soil samples from the Guanting Reservoir, China. Chemosphere, Volume 60, Issue 6, August 2005, Pages 762-769

2.   Youfeng Zhu, Hui Liu, Zhiqun Xi, Hangxing Cheng and Xiaobai Xu. Organochlorine pesticides (DDTs and HCHs) in soils from the outskirts of Beijing, China. Chemosphere, Volume 60, Issue 6, August 2005, Pages 770-778

3.   Wang Yawei, Liang Lina, Shi Jianbo and Jiang Guibin. Chemometrics methods for the investigation of methylmercury and total mercury contamination in mollusks samples collected from coastal sites along the Chinese Bohai Sea. Environmental Pollution, Volume 135, Issue 3, June 2005, Pages 457-467

4.   Jinmiao Zha and Zijian Wang. Assessing technological feasibility for wastewater reclamation based on early life stage toxicity of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Volume 107, Issues 2-3, 20 May 2005, Pages 187-198

5.   Feng Li, Rusong Wang, Juergen Paulussen and Xusheng Liu. Comprehensive concept planning of urban greening based on ecological principles: a case study in Beijing, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 72, Issue 4, 15 May 2005, Pages 325-336

6.   Taowu Ma, Xiaoqiong Wan, Qinghui Huang, Zijian Wang and Jiankang Liu. Biomarker responses and reproductive toxicity of the effluent from a Chinese large sewage treatment plant in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Chemosphere, Volume 59, Issue 2, April 2005, Pages 281-288

7.   L.L. Ma, S.G. Chu, X.T. Wang, H.X. Cheng, X.F. Liu and X.B. Xu. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the surface soils from outskirts of Beijing, China. Chemosphere, Volume 58, Issue 10, March 2005, Pages 1355-1363

8.   Youfeng Zhu, Hui Liu, Hangxing Cheng, Zhiqun Xi, Xiufeng Liu and Xiaobai Xu. The distribution and source apportionment of aliphatic hydrocarbons in soils from the outskirts of Beijing. Organic Geochemistry, Volume 36, Issue 3, March 2005, Pages 475-483

9.   Lingling Ma, Shaogang Chu, Hangxin Cheng, Xuetong Wang, Xiufen Liu and Xiaobai Xu. Screening 31 endocrine-disrupting pesticides in water and surface sediment samples from Beijing Guanting reservoir. Geoderma, Volume 129, Issues 3-4, December 2005, Pages 200-210

10.  Keming MA, Liang ZHOU, Shukui, NIU, Nobukazu, NAKAGOSHI.Beijing Urbanization in the Past 18 Years. Jpurnal of International Development and Cooperation, 2005, Vol.11, 87-96.

11.  Lily Tang, Xiang-Yu Tang , Yong-Guan Zhu, Ming-Hui Zheng, Qi-Long Miao. Contamination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in urban soils in Beijing, China. Environment International, 2005, 31, 822-828.

12.  Zhiguo Fang, Zhiyun Ouyang, Lifeng Hu, Xiaoke Wang, Hua Zheng, Xueqiang Lin. Culturable airborne fungi in outdoor environments in Beijing, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2005, 350, 47-58.

13.  Wen-hua Liu, Jing-zhu Zhao, Zhi-yun Ouyang, Leif So¨derlund, Guo-hua Liu. Impacts of sewage irrigation on heavy metal distribution and contamination in Beijing, China. Environment International, 2005, 31, 805-812.

14.  Jingru Liu, Rusong Wang, Jianxin Yang. Metabolism and Driving Forces of Chinese Urban Household Consumption. Population and Environment, Vol. 26, 325-341.

15.  KANG Xiao-GuangMA Qing-bin. Relationship between urban eco-environment and background of globalization: Statistical explanation competitiveness with the based newly classified with environment demand and environment pressure. Journal of Environmental Science, 2005, Vol. 17, 344-349.

16.  LIU Jian-dong, ZHOU Xiu-ji, CHEN, Liang, OUYANG Zhi-yun, WANG, Xiao-ke, Achberger Christine. Simulation of temporal and spatial change of N2O emissions in the Yangtze River Delta. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2005, Vol.17, 686-690.

17.  Feng Li, Rusong Wang, Xusheng Liu and Xiaoli Zhang. Urban forest in China: Development patterns, influencing factors and research prospects. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2005, 12, 197-204.

18.  Wenhua Zhou, Rusong Wang, and Kefeng Zhang. Beijing environmental sustainable development from 1983 to 2003. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2006, 13, 199-210

19.  Xiaobing Pang, Xiaoyan Shi, Yujing Mu, Hong He, Shijin Shuai, Hu Chen, Rulong Li. Characteristics of carbonyl compounds emission from a diesel-engine using biodieselethanoldiesel as fuel. Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40, 7057-7065.

20.  Li Weifeng, Ouyang Zhiyun, Meng Xuesong, Wang Xiaoke. Plant species composition in relation to green cover configuration and function of urban parks in Beijing, China. Ecol Res, 2006, 21, 221-237.

21.  Min Chen, Rusong Wang, Lijun Zhang, Chonggang Xu. Temporal and spatial assessment of natural resource use in China using ecological footprint method. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2006, 13, 255-268.

22.  杨柳,马克明,郭青海等.汉阳非点源污染控制区划.环境科学,2006271):3136

23.  胡聃,张艳萍,文秋霞,陈超,刘天星,王震,许开鹏. 北京城市生态系统总体资产动态及其与城市发展关系.生态学报, 2006, 26(7): 2207-2218.

24.  方精云, 刘国华,朱彪, 王效科, 刘绍辉. 北京东灵山三种温带森林生态系统的碳循环. 中国科学(D),200636(6)533-543

25.  薛南冬, 徐晓白, 刘秀芬. 北京官厅水库中农药类内分泌干扰物分布和来源.环境科学, 2006, 27(10): 2081-2086.

26.  王铁宇, 吕永龙, 罗维,史雅娟. 北京官厅水库周边土壤重金属与农药残留及风险分析.生态与农村环境学报, 200622(4)5761.

27.  张克锋, 周文华, 张军连, 张凤荣. 北京山区林地转化过程分析. 林业经济问题, 2006, 26(1):27-30.

28.  汤莉莉, 牛生杰, 朱永官, 许潇锋, 陈魁, 李芳. 北京市部分地区土壤和植物中多环芳烃的分布. 南京气象学院学报, 2006, 29(6): 750-755.

29.  任玉芬,王效科,欧阳志云. 北京市雨水资源综合利用与污染防治.城市环境与城市生态,2006191):13

30.  张菊, 苗鸿, 欧阳志云, 王效科.近20年北京市城近郊区环境空气质量变化及其影响因素分析.环境科学学报, 2006, 26(11)18861892.

31.  任玉芬, 王效科, 欧阳志云, 苗鸿, 郑华. 沥青油毡屋面降雨径流污染物浓度历时变化研究. 环境科学学报, 26(4)601606.

32.  王如松, 李锋. 论城市生态管理.中国城市林业, 2006, 4(2):8-13.

33.  王蕾,杨敏, 郭召海, 张呈, 姜颖, 樊康平. 密云水库水质变化规律初探. 中国给水排水, 2006, 22(13):45-48.

34.  王淑娟, 周翔, 许宜平, 马梅, 刘文利, 李太山. 北方某城市饮用水中多环芳烃的来源及其在水处理过程中的行为研究. 环境工程学报, 2007, 1(8): 52-56.




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