论文(专著)名称 |
作者 |
发表刊物/会议名称 |
发表时间 |
卷、期号 |
论文级别 |
Diurnal and seasonal variability of soil CO2 efflux in a cropland ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau |
Shi Peili (石培礼),Zhang Xianzhou (张宪洲),Zhong Zhiming (钟志明) |
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology |
2006 |
3-4(137):220~233 |
End of season carbon supply near treeline ecotone in western China |
Shi Peili (石培礼),Christian Körner,Günter Hoch |
Basic and Applied Ecology |
2006 |
4(7):370~377 |
The leaf size-twig size spectrum of temperate woody species along an altitudinal gradient: An invariant allometric scaling relationship |
Sun Shucun (孙书存),Jin Dongmei(金冬梅),Shi Peili (石培礼) |
Annals of Botany (London) |
2006 |
1(97):97~107 |
Net ecosystem CO2 exchange and controlling factors in a steppe-Kobresia meadow on the Tibetan Plateau |
Shi Peili (石培礼),Sun Xiaomin(孙晓敏),Xulingling(徐玲玲) |
Science in China, Series D |
2006 |
Supp.II,(49):207~218 |
Response of canopy quantum yield of alpine meadow to temperature under low atmospheric pressure on Tibetan Plateau |
Xulingling(徐玲玲),Zhang Xianzhou (张宪洲),Shi Peili (石培礼) |
Science in China, Series D |
2006 |
Supp.II(49):219~225 |
Nonconstituent species in soil seed banks as indicators of anthropogenic disturbance in forest fragments |
Luxiang Lin (林露湘),Min Cao (曹敏),Yongtao He (何永涛) |
Canadian Journal of Forest Research |
2006 |
36:2300~2316 |
Characteristics of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE) from August to October on alpine meadow in the Tibetan Plateau, China |
Xu Lingling (徐玲玲),Zhang Xianzhou (张宪洲),Shi Peili (石培礼) |
Frontiers of Biology in China |
2006 |
4(1):418~422 |
核心期刊 |
Estimated forest ecological water requirements in the Jinghe Watershed - Theory and case study |
He Yongtao (何永涛),Min Qingwen (闵庆文),Li Wenhua (李文华) |
Frontiers of Forestry in China |
2006 |
1(1):43~47 |
核心期刊 |
西藏高原草原化嵩草草甸生态系统CO2净交换及其影响因子 |
石培礼,孙晓敏,徐玲玲 |
中国科学,D辑 |
2006 |
增刊1,36:194~203 |
核心期刊 |
青藏高原低气压条件下高寒草甸群落光量子效率对温度的响应 |
徐玲玲,张宪洲,石培礼 |
中国科学,D辑 |
2006 |
增刊1:36 |
核心期刊 |
西藏高原草原化小嵩草草甸生长季土壤微生物呼吸测定 |
张东秋,石培礼,何永涛 |
自然资源学报 |
2006 |
3(21):458~464 |
核心期刊 |
青藏高原高寒草甸设国内台系统CO2通量及其水分利用效率特征 |
闫巍,张宪洲,石培礼 |
自然资源学报 |
2006 |
5,(21):756~767 |
核心期刊 |
Modeling the maximum apparent quantum use efficiency of alpine meadow ecosystem on Tibetan Plateau |
徐玲玲,张宪洲,石培礼 |
Ecological Modelling |
2007 |
208:129-134 |
A test of the growth-limitation theory for alpine tree line formation in evergreen and deciduous taxa of the eastern Himalayas |
Körner Ch, Hoch G |
Functional Ecology
(Online Early) |
2007 |
Online Early |
高山树线交错带的景观格局与生态过程 |
杨振林,石培礼 |
地理科学进展 |
2007 |
核心期刊 |
MTCLIM模型日平均温度调和系数获得算法的改进 |
杨振林,石培礼,闫巍,徐玲玲 |
生态学报 |
2007 |
核心期刊 |