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“中美生态复杂性与生态系统服务功能学术交流”会议定于2004年1月13日在北京举办 |
时间: 2003-11-14 点击率: 1247018 |
摘 要: 为加强中美在生态与环境领域的合作与交流,促进我国生态学的发展及生态系统的管理,中国科学院国家基金委和美国基金会决定于2004年1月13日在北京(中国科学院院部)举办“中美生态复杂性与生态系统服务功能学术交流”视频会议。会议拟安排8位中美两国的生态学家作学术报告(见附页)。欢迎参加,来往旅费自理。请尽快填写会议注册表,截止日期为2003年11月30日。 |
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Scientific Program of the Sino-US Video-meeting on Ecological Complexity and Ecosystem Service
Venue: Headquarter of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.
Date: January , 13, 2003,.
Organized by: Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Arizona State University, USA
Co-Chairs: Zhibin Zhang (China) and James Elser (USA)
Invited Speakers and Titiles:
Jingle Wu. School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, USA
Title: Understanding Ecological Complexity: Integrating Pattern, Process, Scale
and Hierarchy
David Lodge, Dept of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, USA
Title:Past and Future Exchanges of Species between North America and China:
Ecological and Economic impact, Ecological Forecasting, and Risk Analysis
Matt Wilson, Gund Institute of Ecological Economics, University of
Vermont, USA
Title:Measuring the Economic Value of Ecological Goods and Services
Kathy Cottingham, Dept of Biological Sciences,Dartmouth University, USA
Title:Biocomplexity of Disease: Vibrio cholerae from an Ecological Perspective
Dayong Zhang, Beijing Normal University ,China
Title: The enemy release hypothesis of exotic plant invasions: Theoretical considerations
Xiaomin Zhao , Jiangxi Agricultural University , China
Title: The relationship between land use pattern and distribution regularity of Oncomelania in Poyang Lake region
Qiong Gao, Institute of Resource Science, Beijing Normal University, China
Title: On the relationships between ecological processes and patterns at regional and landscape scales
Yongguan Zhu, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Title: Underground diversity and aboveground plant growth gain