核心期刊论文目录 |
杉木人工林衰退机理探讨 |
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出 版 社:应用生态学报 |
发表时间:2004年10月 |
台 站:
作 者:陈龙池 汪思龙 陈楚莹 |
点 击 率:10256 |
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关 键 字:杉木 生产力 化感作用 酚类物质 自毒作用 |
摘 要:杉木是我国特有的速生丰产树种,在商品木材的生产中占有重要的地位,而杉木连栽导致生产力下降和地力衰退一直是阻碍我国林业生产的重要问题,这引起了许多学者和林业工作者的兴趣和注意。本文对杉木人工林连栽后出现的生产力下降的现象进行了描述,并对导致杉木人工林连栽生产力下降的原因进行了总结和概括,对杉木人工林衰退机理做了分析。概括起来,杉木连栽导致生产力下降、地力衰退主要表现在:杉木人工林生产力下降和林地土壤物理和化学性质的恶化。而导致出现此现象的原因不外乎两个方面的原因,一是营林措施不合理,这是外因;其次是杉木自身的生物学特性,这是内因。内外引的结合导致杉木人工林连栽后出现生产力下降和地理衰退的现象。 |
关 键 字(英文):Chinese fir, Productivity, Allelopathy, Phenolics, Autotoxicity |
摘 要(英文):Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) is a fast-growing species native to China, and has a very important status in production of commercial timber. In response to the growing need for timber, pure Chinese fir plantations have been extensively replanted on the same site in successive rotations. This has resulted in serious problems of soil fertility degradation and productivity decline and these problems have caused considerable attention from foresters, microbiologists, soil scientists, and ecologists. They also have done a lots on above problems and studied the mechanism of productivity decline of replanted Chinese fir plantation. In this article, the author described the characteristics of productivity decline and soil degradation, and summed up the factors caused lower productivity, and analyzed the degradation mechanism of replanted Chinese fir plantation. In sum, productivity decline and soil physical and chemical characteristics deterioration are the main property of replanted Chinese fir plantation. The factors summarized primarily two kinds of reasons. One is the unreasonable managements that are the edogenic factors, and another is the biotic self-characteristics of Chinese fir that are the intrinsic factors of poor establishment of replanted Chinese fir plantation. The combination of the edogenic and intrinsic factors reduces the productivity decline and soil degradation of the replanted Chinese fir plantation. |
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杉木人工林衰退机理探讨.PDF |