出版物目录 |
二向反射遥感中冬小麦植被组分和土壤特性的季相变化 |
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出 版 社:遥感学报 |
发表时间:2000年9月,第四卷增刊 |
台 站:
作 者:项月琴,王锦地,李小文,郑兰芬,林忠辉,李俊,莫兴国 |
点 击 率:11802 |
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关 键 字:二向反射遥感,冬小麦,群体组分和土城背景,几何结构和光学特性,季相变化 |
摘 要:在二向反射物理模型的反演研究中,李小文和Strahher等提出基于知识的反演.强调了地面知识积累对反演的重要性。根据在北京、山东禹城和河北亲城等地不同年份积累的不同品种冬小麦实测数据,按照二向反射理论模型及模型反演研究的要求,分析了冬小麦群体植被组分的几何结构、光学特性和土坡光学特性等参数的季相变化特征。具体内容包括:(1)叶面积指数的季相变化;(2)叶、茎、穆面积在它们总面积中比例的季相变化;(3)叶倾角分布的季相变化:(4)叶茎称光学特性的季相变化(5)土坡背景垂直向上反射率的季相变化,文中各项季相变化特征祖盖的冬小麦生育期长。这是一份比较系统和有较好代表性的结果。 |
关 键 字(英文):BRDF,winter wheat,foliage components and soil ba ckground,geometry and optics,seasonal change |
摘 要(英文):In the study of inversion of BRDF physical models Liand Stmhler presented an option of inversion based on the priori knowledge. They emphasized that to accumulate the knowledge of ground objects is important. For the purposeo f there quirement of study of BRDF physical model and the model inversion, in this article, based on the
data colected in the field experiments on diferent varieties of winter wheat, in Beijing, Luan Cheng of Hebei Province and Yu Cheng of Shandong Province in diferent years, the seasonal change of geometry and optics of foliage
components and the optics of soil background are presented. It consists of the folowing five contents. (1) the seasonal
change of leaf area index, (2) the seasonal change of ratio of leaf area, stem area and ear area to the sum area of these
three foliage components,(3 )the seasonal change of leaf in clination,(4 )the seasonal change of optics of leaf, stemand
ear,(5 )the seasonal change of upward reflectance of soil background. It is a set of representative results incoverage of
main growing period, of diferent varieties of winter wheat in the middle part of North China Plain. |
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