华北平原冬小麦田间蒸散与棵间蒸发的变化规律研究 |
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出 版 社:中国生态农业学报 |
发表时间:2004年 03期:62-64 |
台 站:
作 者:孙宏勇, 刘昌明, 张喜英, 张永强, 裴冬 |
点 击 率:10529 |
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关 键 字:冬小麦,田间蒸散,棵间蒸发 |
摘 要:试验研究冬小麦田间蒸散和棵间蒸发变化规律及其影响因子结果表明,播种~返青期冬小麦棵间蒸发占蒸散比例(E/ET)最大,抽穗~灌浆期最小。整个生长期间棵间蒸发占蒸散量31.4%,棵间蒸发占蒸散比例(E/ET)与冬小麦叶面积指数(LAI)有一定关系,E/ET=0.3693×(LAI)-0.7493(R2=0.8236)。 |
关 键 字(英文):Winter wheat, Evapotranspiration, Evaporation between plants |
摘 要(英文): thediurnalevapotranspiration and soil evaporation of the North China Plain.
The changing loaws and affecting factors of the diural evapotran spiration and aoil evaporation between plants in the winter wheat field are studied in this paper. The results show that the ratio of evaporation to evapotranspiration is the most from seeding to recvering and it is the least from tasseling to grain-filling; the ratio of evaporation to evapotranspiration the winter wheat field is about 31.4% duringthe whole periods; the equation of the relationship between the ratio of evaporation to evapotranspiration(E/ET) and LAI is E/ET=0.3693×(LAI)-0.7493(R2=0.8236). |
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