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Diurnal Variations of Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Mixed Broad-1eaved and Coniferous Forest Soil in Dinghushan
台  站: 鼎湖山森林生态系统定位研究站  
作  者:ZHOU Cunyu,ZHANG Deqiang,WANG Yuesi,ZHOU Guoyi,LIU Shizhong,TANG Xuli  
点 击 率:431282
关 键 字(英文):greenhouse gas,emission,absorp tion,flux,diurnal variation,broad-leaved and coniferous forest,Dinghushan  
摘  要(英文):The subtropical mixed broad—leaved and coniferous forest,a typical successional monsoon forest,is one of the major forests in the subtropics of China.Therefore,it is very important to estimate the fluxes of the greenhouse gases from the forest soil in order to evaluate the impact of subtropical forests on the greenh ouse gas emi ssions or absorptions.This study investigated the diurnal variations of fluxes of three greenhouse gases(CO2,CH4,and N20) from a mi xed broad—leaved and coniferous forest soil.A static chamber-gas chromatograph technique was used to measure the fluxes of thre greenh ouse gases.By using the improved gas chromatography sam pling system,the fluxes were analyzed with a single injection.In order to find out the effects of litter and seedling on the emi ssions or absorptions of these greenhouse gases,three treatments were set in the field:(1)bare soil surface(1itter was removed previously);(3)litter+soil;(3)seedling+liter+soil.The experimental results demonstrated that the forest soil was a source of C02,N20 and a weak sink of CH4.The daily fluxes of CO2,CH4,an d N20 from the soil surface were in the range of 488.99-700.57,0.049-0.108 and-0.025--0.053 mg/(m2.h),respectively.CO2 from the litter decomposition accounted for about 1/3 of the total CO2 emi ssion from the soil surface,while the liter an d seedling had no significan tefec tonthefluxesofCH4andNzO.Th efluxesofCO2an dN20 measured at9:00—11:00 a.m.were significantly different from their daily averages.Therefore,caution must be taken if the CO2 and N20 fluxes measured within 9:00-11:00a.m.are used for extrapolation.  
Diurnal Variations of Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Mixed Broad-leaved and Coniferous Forest Soil in Dinghushan_2005 周存宇.pdf
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