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出 版 社:中科院硕士学位论文  
台  站: 桃源农业生态试验站  
作  者:文宛玉  
点 击 率:19449
关 键 字:红壤稻田,钾肥,稻草还田,水稻,钾素平衡,钾含量,钾积累  
摘  要:钾是作物生长必需的三大营养元素之一。我国亚热带红壤稻田土壤中普遍存在缺钾的问题,在一定程度上限制了水稻生长发育和高产。由于我国钾矿资源严重短缺,因此合理施用化学钾肥以及充分利用生物钾源对于保持稻田土壤钾素供应能力,稳定和提高粮食生产具有重要意义。本研究利用中国科学院桃源农业生态试验站的田间定位试验,探讨了不同施肥制度对土壤钾素平衡和水稻经济性状及养分利用效率的影响(1990-2003,长期定位试验);阐明了长期施钾肥处理条件下,不同生育期内水稻对钾的吸收积累的动态特征(2004,早晚稻钾肥试验);以及不同施钾水平下稻草还田对水稻钾素吸收积累和土壤速效钾的动态变化的影响(2004,晚稻稻草还田对钾替代试验)。主要研究结果总结如下: 1. 不施肥或只施NP,土壤钾素严重亏缺,其中以NP处理亏损最严重,平均每年亏损纯钾120.1 kg/hm2。有机物循环利用的不同施肥制度可使稻田大幅度减少土壤钾素亏损。但过高的K输入可能导致K营养元素大量流失,降低K肥资源的利用效益并增加环境污染风险,可见实行有机物养分循环利用时应适当减少化肥K的施用量,值得一提的是节肥型有机-无机相结合处理(NPK+C2)平均每年亏损为33.2 kg/hm2,既大幅度降低了土壤钾素亏损又降低环境污染风险。 2. 在15年长期不同施肥制度定位试验中,在只施NP基础上施钾肥,早稻增产14.6 %,晚稻增产15.4 %;节肥型有机-无机相结合(NPK+C2)施肥模式处理的产量和NPK处理产量无显著差异。 3. 对田间定位试验2004年早稻和晚稻钾素营养动态研究表明,施化学钾肥能显著提高水稻营养期整个植株的干物质产量,并能提高植株钾含量,从而增加了水稻体内的钾积累量。 4. 2004年晚稻不同施钾水平上稻草还田试验结果表明,仅施稻草处理或施低量钾+稻草处理的水稻茎叶及根系钾浓度,钾积累量和土壤速效钾含量,均与不施稻草不同水平施钾处理的钾浓度,钾积累量和速效钾含量无差异。相对于高量施钾水平处理,施中量钾肥+稻草能大大提高茎叶及根系钾浓度,钾积累量和土壤速效钾含量,但无显著差异。  
关 键 字(英文):red paddy soil, potassium fertilizer, straw incorpoaration, rice, potassium balance, potassium content, potassium accumulation.  
摘  要(英文):Potassium is one of the necessary nutrients for crops growth. The growth of rice is restricted by potassium deficiency usually and this phenomenon occurs in the south of China. Fertilizer K application is one of methods to solve this problem. A field fertilizer K experiment was conducted in Taoyuan city of China to study effects of different modes in fertilizer application on soil potassium balance and rice yield and internal nutrient use efficiency (1990-2003, long-term potassium experiment); dynamic character of potassium uptake and utilization of rice in whole growth stage under long-term K application treatment (2004, two seasons cropping); the effect of straw incorporation on rice potassium accumulation and change of soil exchangeable K in new red paddy field. The main results of studies were as below: ⑴ No fertilizer or only mineral fertilizer NP application could have soil K in deficit. And the NP treatment had the most grievous deficit of average annuity 120 kg hm-2. Combination manure with fertilizer NP or NPK reduced the negative K balance and even resulted in an increase of K release from soil. However, exorbitant K input could lead to lose a great deal of nutrient K, which reduced the fertilizer K use efficiency and increased the risk of environment pollution. Moreover, we could pay attention to the treatment NPK+C2 that only had a deficit of average annuity 33.2 kg hm-2, which not only reduced the negative K balance and but alleviated the environmental pollution. ⑵ For a 15-year long-term experiment, based on NP fertilizer, chemical K fertilizer application could increase the rice yield 14.6% in early rice and 15.4% in late rice. And the fertilizer mode NPK+C2 had the same rice production with treatment NPK, and had no significant variance.⑶ We carried on the two seasons rice nutrition dynamic in long-term experiment in 2004. From the dry matter weight, K content and K accumulation in stem and leaf and root in rice different growth stages, we could draw a conclusion that the K fertilizer application could increase the dry matter yield, K content and K accumulation in rice significantly. ⑷ Based on the incorporation of different K rates and straw application in late rice, 2004, we could know that there were no significant variance of K content and K accumulation in stem and root, and soil available K between the only straw application or incorporation of low K fertilizer and straw application and different K fertilizer rates application; and compared to the high K rate treatment, incorporation of medium K level and straw application could enhance the K content and K accumulation in stem and root, and the soil available K.  
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