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著作名称 出版社 作者
Long-term effects of revegetation on soil water content of sand dunes in arid region of Northern China Journal of Arid Environments Li Xin-Rong1, Ma Feng-Yun1, Xiao Hong-Lang1, Wang Xin-Ping1 and Ke Chung Kim2
Association between Vegetation Patterns and Soil Properties in the Southeastern Tengger Desert China. Arid Land Research and Management Li Xin-Rong, Zhang Zhi-Shan, Zhang Jing-Guang, Wang Xin-Ping and Jia Xiao-Hong
Long-Term Ecosystem Effects of Sand-Binding Vegetation in the Tengger Desert, Northern China. Restoration Ecology Li Xin-Rong, Xiao Hong-Lang, Zhang Jing-Guang, and Wang Xin-Ping
Ecohydrological change mechanism of a rainfed revegetation ecosystem at southeastern edge of Tengger desert, Northwest China. Science in china series D, XIAO Hong-lang, CHENG Guo-dong, LI Xin-rong, SONG Yao-xuan & WANG Xin-ping.
Effects of Phenolics on seedling growth and 15N nitrate absorption of Cunninghamia lanceolata Allelopathy Journal Chen Longchi
Evaluation of a crop water stress index for detecting water stress in winter wheat in the North China Plain Agricultural Water Management Yuan Guofu,Luo Yi,Sun Xiaomin,Tang Dengyin
Rice root growth and nutrient uptake as influenced by organic manure in continuously and alternately flooded paddy soils AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT Yang CM, Yang LZ, Yang YX, Zhu OY
The adsorption of lead and copper from aqueous solution on modified peat-resin particles ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH Sun QY, Lu P, Yang LZ
Residues of organochlorinated pesticides in eggs of water birds from Tai Lake in China ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH Dong YH, Wang H, An Q, Ruiz X, Fasola M, Zhang YM
Photostabilization of the herbicide bensulfuron-methyl by using organoclays Chemosphere 54(2004) 943-950 Youbin Si, Jing Zhou, Huaiman Chen, Dongmei Zhou
Soil manganese and iron released due to calcium salts: bioavailability to pepper( Capsium frutescens L.) Pedosphere, 2004, 14(1): 111-116( Si Youbin, Zhou Jing, Zhou Dongmei, and Chen Huaiman
Effects of humic substances on photodegradation of bensulfuron-methyl on dry soil surfaces Chemosphere 56(2004) 967-972 Youbin Si, Jing Zhou, Huaiman Chen, Dongmei Zhou, Yongde Yue
Effect of vegetation restoration on runoff, soil erosion and nutrient loss of a severely eroded clayey Plinthudult in South-eastern China Catena 2004(57): 77-90. Zhang Bin, Y.S. Yang, H. Zepp
Mechanisms of soil vulnerability to compaction of homogenized and recompacted Ultisols Soil & Tillage Research 2004(l76): 125-137. Peng, X.H., R. Horn, B. Zhang, Q.G. Zhao
Eluviation of dissolved organic carbon under wetting and drying and its influence on water infiltration in degraded soils restored with vegetation. European Journal of Soil Science. (2004): 55:725-737 Zhang, B. Peng, X., Zhao, Q., and Hallett, P.D
非相似介质方法在估计土壤水分特征曲线中的应用(EI收录) 水利学报 刘建立,徐绍辉
估计土壤水分特征曲线的间接方法研究进展(EI收录) 水利学报(EI) 刘建立,徐绍辉,刘慧
Ammonia Volatilization and Denitrification Loss from Irrigated Maize-wheat Rotation Field in the North China Plain. Pedosphere. Zhang Yuming, Chen Deli, Zhang Jiabao, Edis Robert, Hu Chunsheng, Zhu Anning.
Inverse method to determine soil hydraulic properties from transient outflow experiments 2004,journal of Hydrodynamics,12 Zhang jun,XU Shaohui,Liu Jianli
Capacity of stem water conductivity for two Eucaylyptus (Eucalyptus urophylla) plantations in South China Forestry Stuidies in China Yin Guangcai,Zhou Guoyi,Jim Morris,Wang Xu,Huang Zhihong,Chu Guowei
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