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Estimation of annual actual evapotranspiration from nonsaturated land surfaces with conventional meteorological data Sciences in china ser. D Qiu XF, Zhen Y, Miao QL, Yu Q
Seedling Vigor Characteristics Among Chinese And Australian Wheat Communications in Soil science & plant analysis Liang. Y.L , R.A Richards
Micrometeorological fluxes under the influence of regional and local advection: a revisit Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Lee XH, Yu Q, Sun XM, Liu JD,et al.
Passive Pan sampler for vadose zone leachate collection Soil Sci. Sco.Am.J A.Rahaman Barzegar, Stephen J.Herbert, A. Masoud Hashemi, and C.S.Hu.
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Analysis of Rye Chromatin in the Background of “Xiaoyan No.6” Acta Botanica Sinica WANG Zhi-Guo, AN Tiao-Guo, LI Jun-Ming
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