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出 版 社:生态学报  
台  站: 鼎湖山森林生态系统定位研究站  
作  者:徐国良 周国逸 莫江明 周小勇 彭闪江  
点 击 率:5937
关 键 字:鹤山 人工林 恢复 土壤动物  
摘  要:对南亚热带恢复生态学研究基地-鹤山丘陵综合试验场20a人工植被林土壤动物群落进行了调查研究。研究样地包括草坡、松林、荷木混交林、马占相思林和豆科混交林。结果表明:在个体数量上,豆混林与马占林之间不存在显著差异,但与其它林分间差异明显(p<0.05);草坡土壤动物个体数明显处于最低水平;在类群的丰富度上,豆混林显著(p<0.05)高于所有其它林分,但无论是林分之间抑或季节之间,其变化的幅度都明显比个体数小;根据DG指数,各人工林可明显分为豆混林()、马占林()和荷混林()、针叶林()、草坡()3个层次。季节的差异很明显,湿季各项指标都低于干季。土壤表层各项指标的绝对值都与F2、F3层有极显著的差别(p<0.01),而F2、F3层之间却非常接近。长角跳虫科、鳞跳虫科、蚁科、康虫八科、蟹蛛科、巨蟹蛛科、球蛛科、鞘翅幼虫和半翅幼虫与群落总体特征(DG指数)的相关性都达到显著水准(p<0.05)。DG指数在反映不同人工林土壤动物群落特征上具有很好的稳定性。  
关 键 字(英文):Heshan man-made forest restoration soil fauna  
摘  要(英文):So il fauna communit ies w ere studied in various 20 year-old regenerated vegetat ion types at the Heshan Research Station. There was no significant difference in fauna individual number betw een the mixed A cacia fo rest and A cacia mangium forest. How ever, there was significant difference in fauna individual number betw een these two fo rests and the grassland, p ine and m ixed S ch im a sup erba fo rest (p < 0105). The low est fauna individual number w as found in grassland w h ile m ixed A cacia fo rest had the h ighest group abundance (p < 0105). The variat ion in group abundance at various vegetat ion types o r betw een w et and dry seasons w as small compared to the changes in fauna individual number. Based on DG index these man2made vegetat ion typesw ere classified into th ree catego ries: m ixed A cacia fo rest (… ) , A cacia m ang ium fo rest ( ) , grassland (À ) , p ine (À ) andm ixed S ch im a sup erba fo rest (À ). Bo th the fauna individual number and group abundancew ere dist inct ively low during the w et season as compared to dry season. Soilfauna in F1 so il layer w as significant lyricher than in F2 and F3 layers (p < 0101). Entomobryidae, Cyphoderidae, Formicidae, Campodeidae, Thom isidae, Heteropodidae, Leptonet idae, Coleoptera larvae, Himiptera larvae and Homop tera larvae w ere significant ly co rrelated with changes of the w ho le so il fauna communities (p < 0105). Our results show ed that DG index truly reflects soil fauna community characterist ics in various art ificial vegetation types.  

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