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著作名称 出版社 作者
Comparison of three ornamental plants for phytoextraction potential of chromium removal from tannery sludge Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 苗青,闫俊华
Long-term nitrogen addition decreases carbon leaching in a nitrogen-rich forest ecosystem Biogeosciences 鲁显楷等
Interactive Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Soil Microbial Communities in a Tropical Forest plos one 刘蕾,莫江明等
Nitrogen to phosphorus ratios of tree species in response to elevated carbon dioxide and nitrogen addition in subtropical forests Global Change Biology 刘菊秀,黄文娟,周国逸等
Response of Soil Respiration to Acid Rain in Forests of Different Maturity in Southern China plos one 梁国华,张德强等
Carbon fluxes, evapotranspiration, and water use efficiency of terrestrial ecosystems in China Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 李跃林(12)
Increasing phosphorus limitation along three successional forests in southern China Plant Soil 黄文娟,刘菊秀,周国逸等
Short-term effects of prescribed burning on phosphorus availability in a suburban native forest of subtropical Australia J Soils Sediments 黄文娟,周国逸,刘菊秀等
Seasonal responses of soil respiration to elevated CO2and N additionin young subtropical forest ecosystems in southern China Ecological Engineering 邓琦,周国逸等
Responses of soil respiration and its temperature/moisture sensitivity to precipitation in three subtropical forests in southern China Biogeosciences 江浩,邓琦,周国逸等
Aboveground biomass and corresponding carbon sequestration ability of four major forest types in south China chinese science bulletin 陈青青,闫俊华等
Changes in soil carbon sequestration in Pinus massoniana forests along an urban-to-rural gradient of southern China Biogeosciences 陈浩,莫江明等
Three-decade changes in chemical composition of precipitation in Guangzhou city, southern China:has precipitation recovered from acidification following sulphur dioxide emission control? Tellus 朱飞飞(3)
Effects of nitrogen deposition on soil organic carbon fractions in the subtropical forest ecosystems of S China JPN 陈小梅,李跃林等
Effects of elevated CO2 and nitrogen addition on soil organic carbon fractions in a subtropical forest Plant Soil 陈小梅,刘菊秀,邓琦,闫俊华,张德强
Effects of Precipitation Increase on Soil Respiration: A Three-Year Field Experiment in Subtropical Forests in China plos one 邓琦,张德强,周国逸等
Nitrogen and phosphorus status and their influence on aboveground production under increasing nitrogen deposition in three successional forests Acta Oecologica 黄文娟,周国逸,刘菊秀
Effects of elevated carbon dioxide and nitrogen addition on foliar stoichiometry of nitrogen and phosphorus of five tree species in subtropical model forest ecosystems Environmental Pollution 黄文娟,周国逸,刘菊秀,张德强等
Responses of Soil Acid Phosphomonoesterase Activity to Simulated Nitrogen Deposition in Three Forests of Subtropical China Pedosphere 黄文娟,张德强,李跃林等
Quantification of Ecosystem Carbon Exchange Characteristics in a Dominant Subtropical Evergreen Forest Ecosystem APJAS 李跃林,周国逸,张德强等
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