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著作名称 出版社 作者
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Water Resources in China Plant Zhao Shidong,Hu Chunsheng
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Water Resources in China Plant Zhao Shidong,Hu Chunsheng
Biomass and productivity of natural vegetation on the Tibet and plateau: estimated form combination of field data, county-specific inventories and modeling Ecological Applications Luo Tianxiang
Estimation of root water uptake of maize: An ecophysiological perspective Field Crop Research. 69, 201-213. ZHUANG, Jie, Keiichi NAKAYAMA , Yu Guirui and Takayuki Urushisaki
Predicating unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of soil based on some basic properties Soil and Tillage Research. 59(3-4), 143-154 ZHUANG, Jie, Keiichi NAKAYAMA, Yu Guirui and Tsuyoshi Miyazki
Yellow sticky traps for monitoring males and two parasitoids of Oracella acuta (Lobdell) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Journal of Entomological Sciences Sun J.H., Debarr D.L. and Berisford C.W.(2001):
An attempt to establish a synthetic model of photosynthesis-transpiration based on stomatal behavior for maize and soybean plants grown in field. Journal of Plant Physiology Yu Guirui,Jie ZHUANG and ZhenLiang YU (2001)
Scaling of root length density of maize in the field profile. Plant and Soil 234. ZHUANG, Jie, Yu Guirui and Keiichi NAKAYAMA
确定田间土壤水利传导率的分形方法(EI收入) 水科学进展 刘建立、徐绍辉、刘慧、郭飞
土壤水利性质确定方法研究进展(EI收入) 水科学进展 徐绍辉、刘建立
几种土壤累积粒径分布模型的对比研究(EI收入) 水科学进展 刘建立、徐绍辉、刘慧
Soil macropore structure characterized by X-ray computed tomography Pedosphere 冯杰、张佳宝、朱安宁
Nitrate leaching in an Andisol treated with different types of fertilizers Environmental Pollution Morihiro Maeda ,Bingzi Zhao,Yasuo Ozaki,Morihiro Maeda
Introducing Fractal Dimension to Estimate Sensitivity of Different Soils to Preferential Flow pedosphere EHENG ZHUHUA,ZHANG JIABAO and ZHU ANNING
Theoretical Study on Dissolution and transport of Trapped Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid in Sub--Soil Transport of Contaminants in Vadose Zone and Prevention of Grounewater Pollution --Southeast University Press Zhang Jiabao,W.A.Jury and Josee Fortin
Field-Scale Contaminant transport through Soils:current Understanding and Open Questions Pedosphre Zhang Jiabao and K.Roth
Xyloccensins O and P, Unique 8,9,30-Phragmalin Orthoesters from Xylocarpus granatum,Organic Letters,2004,6(11):1841-1844。 Organic Letters Jun Wu,Si Zhang
青藏高原特有植物祁连獐芽菜(龙胆科)的花综合整与虫媒传粉 植物分类学报(Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica)41(5):465- 段元文 刘健全
Optimum Nitrogen Use and Reduced Nitrogen Loss for Production of Rice and Wheat in the Yangtse Delta Region. Environmental Geochemistry and Health Wang DJ, Liu Q ,Lin JH,SunRJ
Root growth and soil water utilization of winter wheat in the North China Plain Hydrological Processes Xiying Zhang, Dong Pei and Suying Chen
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