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Leaf allometry of Salix viminalis during the first growing season Tree Physiology Theo Verwijst、Wen Dazhi
用清除有机自由基DPPH法评价植物抗氧化能力 生物化学与生物物理进展 彭长连等
不同光合途径植物叶圆片对光氧化作用响应的比较 植物学报 林植芳、彭长连、林桂珠
光氧化作用引起几种亚热带木本植物膜损伤和PSII失活 植物学报 林植芳、彭长连、林桂珠
旅游和工业化对亚热带森林大气质量及两种木本植物叶绿素荧光特性的影响 植物学报 彭长连、林植芳、孔国辉等
光对4种木本植物叶片清除有机自由基能力的影响 植物学报 彭长连等
水稻的光合作用、生长、碳同位素分辨作用及抗渗透胁迫性对CO2浓度增高的响应 植物学报 彭长连等
Daily changes in components of xanthophyll cycle and antioxidant systems in leaves of rice at different developing stage Acta Physiol Plant Yang Chengwei、Chen Yizhu、Peng Changlian
Responses of Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Carotenoids Biosynthesis to High Light Stress in Rice Seedling Leaves at Different Leaf Potiton Acta Botanica Sinica Yang Chengwei、Peng Changlian、Duan Jun、Lin Guizhu、Chen Yizhu
Response of Photosynthesis, Growth, Carbon Isotope Discrimination and Osmotic Tolerance of Rice to Elevated CO2 Acta Botanica Sinica Peng Changlian、 Duan Jun、 Lin Guizhu、 Chen Yizhu、 Peng Shaolin
鼎湖山自然保护区森林土壤14C测定及14C示踪初步研究 科学通报 沈承德、刘东生、彭少麟、孙彦敏、姜漫涛、易惟熙、邢长平、高全洲、李志安、周国逸
通过树木年轮C13重建大气 CO2浓度的可靠性探讨 科学通报 候爱敏、彭少麟、周国逸、温达志
Radial Variation in Sap Flux Density as a Function of Sapwood Thickness in Two Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus urophylla S.T.Blake) Plantations Acta Botanica Sinica Zhou Guoyi、Huang Zhihong、J.D.Morris、LI Zhian、John Collopy、Zhang Ningnan、Bai Jiayu
Hydrological impacts of reafforestation with eucalyptus and indigenous species: a case study in Southern China Forest Ecology and Management Zhou Guoyi、J.D.Morris、Yan Junhua、Yu Zuoyue、Peng Shaolin
C-14 Measurement of Forest Soils in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve Chinese Science Bulletin Shen Chengde、LiuD.、Peng Shaolin、SunY.、JiangM.、YiW.、XingC.、GaoQ.、LiZ.、Zhou Guoyi
Re-examining the reliability of tree-ring isotope ratio as a historical CO2 proxy Chinese Science Bulletin Hou Aimin、Peng Shaolin、Zhou Guoyi
A quantitative explanation of the juvenile effects of tree-ring?13 Acta Ecologica Sinica Hou Aimin、Peng Shaolin、Zhou Guoyi、Wen Dazhi
Autotoxicity of Chinese fir on seed germination and seedling growth Allelopathy journal Zhiqun Huang ,Terry Haig ,Wang Silong
Allelopathy of phenolics from decomposing stump-roots in replant Chinese fir woodland Journal of Chemical Ecology Zhiqun Huang, liping Liao and Silong Wang
On the separate retrieval of soil and vegetation temperature from ATSR data. Science in China (Series D) Li Zhaoliang, M.P.Stoll, Zhang Renhua et al
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