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著作名称 出版社 作者
Nitrogen leaching in response to increased nitrogen inputs in subtropical monsoon forests in southern China Forest Ecology and Management 方运霆
Soil–atmosphere exchange of N2O, CO2 and CH4 along a slope of an evergreen broad-leaved forest in southern China Plant Soil 方运霆,周国逸
Effects of vegetation restoration and slope positions on soilaggregation and soil carbon accumulation on heavily eroded tropical land of Southern China J Soils Sediments 汤新艺,周国逸
Tree-ring growth patterns of Masson pine (Pinus massoniana L.)during the recent decades in the acidification Pearl River Delta of China Forest Ecology and Management 旷远文
Input and output of dissolved organic and inorganic nitrogen in subtropical forests of South China under high air pollution Biogeosciences 方运霆
Reconstruction of soil pH by dendrochemistry of Masson pine at two forested sites in the Pearl River Delta, South China Ann. For. Sci 旷远文,温达志,周国逸
Soil nitric oxide emissions after nitrogen and phosphorus additions in two subtropical humid forests JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH 李德军,莫江明
Temporal Variability in Soil CO2 Emission in an Orchard Forest Ecosystem Pedosphere 李跃林
A single drought event of 100-year recurrence enhances subsequent carbon uptake and changes carbon allocation in experimental grassland communities J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 李跃林
Assessment and up-scaling of CO2 exchange by patches of the herbaceous vegetation mosaic in a Portuguese cork oak woodland   Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 李跃林
Patterns in CO2 gas exchange capacity of grassland ecosystems in the Alps Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 李跃林
CO2 enrichment increases nutrient leaching from model forest ecosystems in subtropical China Biogeosciences 刘菊秀,张德强,周国逸
Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers., as a green manure for ameliorating soil exposed to acid rain in Southern China J Soils Sediments 刘菊秀,张德强,周国逸
Soil Carbon and Nutrient Pools, Microbial Properties and Gross Nitrogen Transformations in Adjacent Natural Forest and Hoop Pine Plantations of Subtropical Australia J Soils Sediments 刘菊秀
Tree girdling increases soil N mineralisation in two spruce stands Soil Biology & Biochemistry 刘菊秀
Trends of pricipitation in Beijiang River Basin, Guangdong Province,China HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 罗艳,周国逸
Decomposition responses of pine (Pinus massoniana) needles with two different nutrient-status to N deposition in a tropical pine plantation in southern China Ann. For. Sci. 莫江明,周国逸
Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration is affected by prevailing climatic conditions and soil organic carbon content: A trans-China based case study Soil Biology & Biochemistry 郑泽梅, 于贵瑞伏玉玲, Wang Yuesi, 孙晓敏, Wang Yinghong
Carbon balance in alpine meadow ecosystems in the Tibet Plateau Journal of Integrated Plant Biology 裴志勇, 欧阳华, 周才平, 徐兴良
Freshwater management and climate change adaptation: Experiences from the central Yangtze in China Climate and Development 于秀波; Jiang, Luguang; Li, Lifeng; Wang, Jinxin; Wang, Limin; Lei, Gang; Pittock, Jamie,
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