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著作名称 出版社 作者
Sap flow response of Eucaylyptus (Eucalyptus urophylla) to environmental stress in South China Journal of Zhejiang University Science Yin Guangcai,Zhou Guoyi,Jim Morris,Huang Zhihong,Chu Guowei,Zhou guangyi
钕掺杂提高TiO2光催化活性的机制 中国稀土学报 侯梅芳,李芳柏,李瑞丰,万洪富,周国逸,谢克昌
鼎湖山不同演替阶段森林土壤水分动态 吉首大学学报(自然科学版) 尹光彩,周国逸,唐旭利,张倩媚
酸雨对鼎湖山土壤的累积效应及荷木的反应 中国环境科学 刘菊秀,周国逸,张德强
Evaluation of spatial and temporal changes of soil quality based on geostatistical analysis in the hill region of subtropical China. Geoderma, 2003, 115: 85-99. 1. Sun B., Zhou, S. L., Zhao, Q. G
Functional rehabilitation of the "soil reservoir" in degraded soils to control floods in the Yangtze River Watershed. Pedosphere,2004, 14 (1): 1-8. 4. Shi XZ, Liang Y, Yu DS, Pan XZ, Warner ED
A New Fusion Technique of Remotely Sensed Images for Land use/land cover. Pedosphere, 2004, 14(2):187-194. 3. Wu L. X., Sun B., Zhou S. L., Huang S. E., Zhao Q. G.
Soil organic carbon storage in China. Pedosphere, 2004, 14(4): 491-500. 2. Xie, X. L., Sun, B., Zhou, H. Z. and Li, A. B.
Temporal-spatial variability of soil organic carbon stocks in a rehabilitating ecosystem. Pedosphere, 2004, 14(4): 501-508. Zhang, S. R., Sun, B., Zhao, Q. G., Xiao, P. F. and Shu, J. Y.
Measured Sap Flow and Estimated Evaportranspiration of Tropical Eucalyptus Urophylla Plantations in South China Acta Botanica Sinica Zhou Guoyi,Yin Guangcai,Jim Morris,Bai Jiayu,Chen Shaoxiong,Chu Guowei,Zhang Ningnan
Water balance of tropical eucalypt plantations in south-eastern China Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Patrick N.J. Lane,Jim Morris,Zhang Ningnan,Zhou Guangyi,Zhou Guoyi,Xu Daping
The influence of vegetation type on the hydrological process at the landscape scale Can.J.Remote sensing Hong Jiang,Shirong Liu,Pengsen Sun,Shuqing An,guoyi zhou,Chunyang Li,Jinxi Wang,Hua Yu,Xingjun Tian
Spatial pattern of Cryptocarya chinensis life stages in lower subtropical forest China Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica. Wang ZhengFeng,Peng ShaoLin,Liu ShiZhong,Li Zhen
Hydrological and geocryological response of winter streamflow to climate warming in Northeast China Cold Region Science and Technology Liu Jingshi et al.
Winter Streamflow, Ground Temperature and Active-layer Thickness in Northeast China Permafrost and Periglacial Processes Liu Jingshi et al.
Disturbance and sustainability of long-term site productivity in lodgepole pine forests in the central interior of British Columbia--an ecosystem modeling approach Ecological Modelling Wei Xiaohua,J.P. Kimmins,Zhou Guoyi
Hydrological processes and vegetation succession in a naturally forested area of southern China Eurasian Journal of Forest Research Zhou Guoyi,Jim Morris,Zhou Chuanyan,Yan Junhua,Huang Zhongliang
Nitrogen availability in Disturbed, Rehabilitated and Mature Forests of Tropical China Forest Ecology and Management Mo Jiangming,Sandra Brown,Peng Shaolin,Kong Guohui
Soil enzyme activity changes in different-aged spruce forests of the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Pedosphere Zhang YongMei,Zhou GuoYi*,Wu Ning,Bao WeiKai
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