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著作名称 出版社 作者
Chlorophyll a found in feces of phytoplanktivorous cyprinids and its
photosynthetic activity in Lake Donghu, Hubei, China.
Role of phosphorus cycling in algal metabolism and algal succession in Lake
Donghu, China.
Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. Stuttgart [ARCH. HYDROBIOL.], Wang, J; Liu, JK
Plankton and seston structure in a shallow, eutrophic subtropic Chinese
Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. Stuttgart [ARCH. HYDROBIOL.] Shei, Ping; Lin, Wanlian; Wang, Shaomei; Liu, Jiangkang
Impact of fish culture on lake phosphorus loading in Lake Donghu,
Tropical limnology. Vol. 2. Tropical lakes and reservoirs. Wang, Jian; Lin, WL
Effects of silver carp density on zooplankton and water quality:
Implications for eutrophic lakes in China
Journal of Freshwater Ecology [J. Freshwat. Ecol.]. Wu, L; Xie, P; Dai, M; Wang, J
Comparative studies on effects of predation by fish on Daphnia in
Lake Donghu (China) and Loch Leven (Scotland)
Ecosystem Approaches for Fisheries Management. Yang, Yufeng; May, Linda; Gunn, Iain; Huang, Xiangfei; Liu,
Long-term changes in crustacean zooplankton and water quality in a
shallow, eutrophic Chinese lake densely stocked with fish
Hydrobiologia [Hydrobiologia]. Yufeng, Y; Xiangfei, H; Jiankang, L
Effects of submerged mactophytes on kinetics of alkaline phosphatase in Lake Donghu-I. Unfiltered water and sediments. Water Research null
Environmental factors and succession of aquatic insects in a shallow chinese lake. B.Environ.Contam Wang, S; Gong, ZJ; Xie, P
A comparative study on macrozoobenthos in two shallow, mesotrophic Chinese lakes with contrasting source of primary production J.N.Am.Benthol.Soc. Gong, ZJ; Xie, P; Wang, SD
Budgets and dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus in a shallow,
hypereutrophic lake in China.
Journal of Freshwater Ecology [J. Freshwat. Ecol.]. Tang, Huijuan; Xie, Ping
Changes of Leptodora kindti abundance (1957-1996) in a
planktivorous fishes-dominated subtropical Chinese lake (Lake
Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie [Arch. Hydrobiol.]. Xie, Ping; Huang, Xiangfei; Takamura, Noriko
Effect of available food and temperature on the growth and
reproduction of Daphnia rosea
Journal of Freshwater Ecology [J. Freshwat. Ecol.]. Xie, Ping; Iwakuma, T; Fujii, K
Changes of Leptodora kindti abundance (1957-1996) in a
planktivorous fishes-dominated subtropical Chinese lake (Lake
Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie [Arch. Hydrobiol.]. Xie, Ping; Huang, Xiangfei; Takamura, Noriko
Effects of submerged macrophytes on kinetics of alkaline
phosphatase in Lake Donghu. I. Unfiltered water and sediments
Water Research [Water Res.]. Yiyong, Zhou; Jianqiu, Li; Yongqing, Fu
Macrozoobenthos in 2 shallow, mesotrophic Chinese lakes with
contrasting sources of primary production
Journal of the North American Benthological Society [J. N. Am.
Benthol. Soc.].
Gong, Zhijun; Xie, Ping; Wang, Shida
Effects of Water Column Nutrient Enrichment on the Growth of
Potamogeton maackianus A. Been
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management [J. Aquat. Plant Manage.]. Ni, L
Long-term changes of planktonic rotifers in a subtropical Chinese
lake dominated by filter-feeding fishes.
Freshwater Biology [Freshwat. Biol.]. Shao, Z; Xie, P*; Zhuge, Y
Growth of Potamageton maackianus under low-light stress in
eutrophic water.
Journal of Freshwater Ecology [Journal of Freshwater Ecology]. Ni, L
Impacts of filter-feeding fishes on the long-term changes of
crustacean zooplankton in a eutrophic subtropical Chinese lake.
Journal of Freshwater Ecology [J. Freshwater Ecol.]. Lu, Min; Xie, Ping
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