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著作名称 出版社 作者
Effects of vanadium on the growth of soybean seedlings Plant Soil Wang J.F. and Liu Z.
Comments on "Intergral Method for Estimating Soil Hydraulic Properties Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. Shaohui Xu
Study on the contamination of Fracture-Karst water in Boshan District,Chian Ground Watre Xueyu Zhu,Shaohui Xu etc
Splitting Method for two-dimensional phreatic water flow Applied Shaohui Xu, Xeuyu Zhu and Guorong Zhu
Determination and QSPR analysis of logKow and logKoc for fluorine containing benzene derivatives Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry Hong Yang(杨?)et al
Hydrodynamics of Lake Taihu, China AMBIO 秦伯强
The reconstruction and interpretations of lake status at 6 Ka and 18 Ka in inland mainland Asia Chinese Science Bulletin 秦伯强,施雅风,于革
Evaluation of modelled regional water balance using lake status data Quaternary Science Reviews 秦伯强等
Implications of lake level variations at 6 Ka and 18Ka in mainland Asia Global and Planetary Change 秦伯强,于革
Evaluation of the climatic change impacts on the inland lake-A case study of lake Qinghai, China
Climatic Change 秦伯强,黄群
古湖泊资料与古气候的对比研究-以NCAR CCM 6KaBP 的古气候试验为例 科学通报 秦伯强
Holocene Temperature and Precipitation Reconstructions and Monsoonal Climates in Eastern China Using Pollen Data Palaeo Climates,Data and Modelling 于革、秦伯强
Eutrophication of Lake Taihu and its control Agricultural Engineering Journal 陈伟民、陈宇炜、高锡云、I.Yoshida.
Mulch Types and Its Benefit in Cropland Ecosystem On Loess Plateau in China Journal of Plant Nutrition Zhang C.E.,D.W. Guo
Simulated Carbon and Nitrogen Contents in Arid Farmland Ecosystem in China Using Denitrification Decomposition Model Communications in Soil science and Plant Analysis Liang L.Y.,B.C.XU
Soil water distribution ,uniformity and Water Use efficiency under Alternate furrow irrigation in an arid area Irrigation Science KANG S,Z Liang Z S
Alternate furrow irrigation for maize production in an arid area Agricultural water Management Liang Z S. et.al
Soil Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture on Loess Plateau Challenges and Prospects AMBIO Liu Guobin
Seedling vigor characteristics Among Chinese and Australian Wheat Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis Liang. Y.L ,R.A Richards
黄土高原环境的旱化与黄土中水分关系 中国科学(D辑) 杨文治等
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