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著作名称 出版社 作者
Water use efficiency and sustainabilityof different long-term crop rotation systems in the Loess Plateau of China Soil and Tillage Research Huang Mingbin, ShaoMingan , Zhang Lu and LiYushan
Nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in shrimp ponds and the measures for sustainable management ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH Xia LZ, Yang LZ, Yan MC
Energy fluxes and the priestley-Taylor parameter over winter wheat and maize in the north china plain Hydrological Processes Yongqiang Zhang, Changming Liu, Qiang Yu, et al.
Effect of increased fertilizer application to wheat crop on soil-water depletion in the Loess Plateau, China Agricultural Water Management Mingbin Huang, Tinghui Dang, Jacques Gallichand and Moniqu Goult
Studies on coordination of soil phosphorus supply with photosynthesis of rice under different nutrient treatments JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION Yang CM, Yang LZ, Zhu OY, Tadano T
Groundwater recharge from irrigated cropland in the north china plain: case study of Luancheng County, Hebei Province, 1949-2000 Hydrology progress Eloise Kendy, Yongqiang Zhang, Changming Liu, et al
Interrelations of yield, evapotranspiration, and water use efficiency from marginal analysis of water production functions Agricultural Water Management Liu,W.Z., D.J. Hunsaker, Y.S. Li, X.Q. Xie and G.W. Wall
Phosphorus losses to water from lowland rice fields under rice-wheat double cropping system in the Tai Lake region NVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH Cao ZH, Zhang HC
Ammonia volatilization and denitrification losses from an irrigated maize-wheat rotation field in the North China Plain Pedosphere Zhang Yu-ming, et al.
Irrigation treatments for corn with limited water supply in the Loess Plateau, China Canadian Biosystems Engineering Mingbin Huang, Liangping Zhong and Jacques Gallichand
Cadmium adsorption in montmorillonite as affected by glyphosate JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHI Wang YJ, Zhou DM, Luo XS, Sun RJ, Chen HM
Estimation of Winter Wheat Evapotransiration under Water Stress with Two Semiempirical Approaches Agronmy Journal Yongqiang Zhang, Qiang Yu, Changming Liu, et al.
Comparison Of A Statistical Dynamic Water Balance Model With The Numerical Model WAVES And Field Measurements Agricultural Water Management Mingbin Huang, Mingan Shao and Yushan Li
Effects of cadmium on nutrient uptake and translocation by Indian Mustard ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH Jiang XJ, Luo YM, Liu Q, Liu SL, Zhao QG
Effect of soil water deficit on evapotranspiration, crop yield, and water use efficiency in the North China Plain Agricultural Water Management Yongqiang Zhang, Eloise Kendy, Yu Qiang, et al.
Heavy Mineral Record Of The Holocene Environment On The Loess Plateau In China And Its Pedogenetic Significance Catena He Xiubin, Tang Keli, Lei Xiangyi
Denitrifying bacteria in paddy soils of the Taihu Lake Basin, China PEDOSPHERE Zhang HY, Li ZG, Pan YH, Li LM
Simulation of the stomatal conductance of winter wheat in response to light and CO2 changes. Annals of Botany Yu Q, Zhang YQ, Liu YF, Shi PL
Simulated Carbon And Nitrogen Contents In Arid Farmland Ecosystem In China Using DNDC Model Communications in Soil science & plant analysis Liang. Y.L., B.C. Xu
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