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著作名称 出版社 作者
Conservation management effects on soil erosion reduction in the Sichuan Basin, China Journal of Soil and Water Conservation G. Liu, M.J. Lindstrom, X. Zhang, Y.Li, and J.Zhang
The Characteristics of Overland Flow Under Varied Tillage System in Hilly Area of Sichuan,China Soil and Tillage Research Liu Gangcai, Gao Mrirong, Zhu Bo
New spectrophotometric method on determination of titanium in soil and standard geo-chemical samples. Analytical letters Zhu Bo, Luo Xiaomei, Liu Shaopu
Distribution of epilithic algae in Xiangxi River and their relationships with environmental factors. Journal of Freshwater Ecology Tang, T., and Cai, Q.
Four new terrestrial species of Marionina (Clitellata, Enchytraeidae) from China and reexamination of M. hoffbaueri Muller Journal of Natural History Xie Z., and Rota E.
Fridericia nanningensis, a new terrestrial enchytraeid species (Oligochaeta) from south-western china. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington Xie Z., Liang Y. L., and Wang J.
The effect of food concentration on the life history of three types of Brachionus calyciflorus females. International Review of Hydrobiology Xi, Y., Huang, X.,
Life history Characteristics of three types of females in Brachionus calyciflorus(Rotifera) fed different alage. Hydrobiologia Xi, Y., Huang, X.,
Changes of Leptodora kindti abundance (1957-1996) in a planktivorous fishes-dominated subtropical Chinese lake (Lake Donghu) Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie Xie, P.; Huang, X.; Noriko T.
Long term changes in crustacean zooplankton and water quality in a shallow, eutrophic Chinese lake densely stocked with fish. Hydrobiologia Yang, Y., Huang, X. and Liu, J.
Integrated aquaculture in Chinese lakes and paddy fields. Ecological Engineering Liu, J. and Cai, Q.
On a new species of Keratella (Rotifera: Monogononta: Brachionidae) Hydrobiologia Zhuge, Y. and Huang X.
Rotifera recorded from China, 1893-1997, with remarks on their composition and distribution. International Review of Hydrobiology Zhuge, Y., Huang X. and Koste W.
Study on the changes of life zones in distribution in northeast China by means of climate-vegetation classification. Ecological Research Liu, Q. J., Kondoh, A. and Takeuchi, N.
Structure and dynamics of the subalpine coniferous forest on Changbai mountain, China. Plant Ecology 132: 97-105. Liu, Q. J.
Yellow sticky traps for monitoring males and two parasitoids of Oracella acuta (Lobdell) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) Journal of Entomological Sciences Sun J.H., Debarr D.L. and Berisford C.W
Predicating unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of soil based on some basic properties Soil and Tillage Research. 59(3-4), 143-154 ZHUANG, Jie, Keiichi NAKAYAMA, Yu Guirui and Tsuyoshi Miyazki
The potential information in the temperature difference between shadow and sunlit of surfaces and a new way of retrieving the soil moisture Science in china Zhang Renhua,Su Hongbo,Li Zhaoliang
Biomass and productivity of natural vegetation on the Tibet and plateau: estimated form combination of field data, county-specific inventories and modeling Ecological Applications Luo Tianxiang
On the separate retrieval of soil and vegetation temperatures from ATSR data Science in china Li Jaoliang,M.P.S.,Zhang Renhua
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