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著作名称 出版社 作者
Changes in benthic algal communities following construction of a run-of-river dam Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 28(1): 69-79. Wu N, Tang T, Zhou S, Jia X, Li D, Liu R and Cai Q
Analysis of spatial variability of the fractal dimension of soil particle size in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus’ desert habitat Environ Geol 贾晓红
Spatial variability of surface soil moisture content in a re-vegetation desert area in Shapotou, Northern China Journal of Arid Environments 潘颜霞
Photosynthesis and Metabolite LevelsIn Dehydrating Leaves Of Reaumuria Soongorica ACTA BIOLOGICA CRACOVIENSIA Series Botanica 刘玉冰
Effects of crust and shrub patches on runoff, sedimentation, and related nutrients (C,N) redistribution in the desertified steppe zone of the Tengger Desert, Northern China Geomorphology 李小军
Distribution and Seasonal Dynamics of Roots in a Revegetated Stand of Artemisia ordosica Kracsh. in the Tengger Desert (North China) Arid Land Research and Management 张志山
Evaporation properties of a revegetated area of the Tengger Desert, North China Journal of Arid Environments 张志山
Responses of biological soil crusts to sand burial in a revegetated area of the Tengger Desert, Northern China Soil Biology & Biochemistry 贾荣亮
Effects of rainfall characteristics on infiltration and redistribution patterns in revegetation-stabilized desert ecosystems Journal of Hydrology 等王新平
Long-term effects of restoration on soil hydraulic properties in revegetation-stabilized desert ecosystems Geophysical Research Letters 王新平
Plandt distribution at the mobile dune scale and its relevance to soil properties and topographic features Environ Geol Zuo Xiaoan, et al
Comparison of Seed Germination of Agriophyllum squarrosum (L.) Moq. and Artemisia halodendron Turcz. Ex Bess, Two Dominant Species of Horqin Desert, China Arid Land Research and Management Jian-yuan Cui, et al.
shrub facilitation of desert land restoration in the Horqin Sand Land of Inner Mongolia Ecological Engineering Halin zhao, et al.
Effects of Aeolian deposition on soil properties and crop growth in sandy soils of north china Geoderma Halin zhao, et al.
Soil properties, crop productivity and irrigation effects on five cropland of inner Mongolia Soil & Tillage Research Halin zhao, et al.
Phosphorus Sorption Characteristics of Calcareous Soil under Long-term Phosphorus Fertilization, Pedosphere GUO Sheng-Li
Wheat grain yield and yield stabilty in a long-term fertilization experiment on the Loess Pateau Pedosphere, Hao Mingde
A comparison of explicit and implicit spatial downscaling of GCM output for soil erosion and crop production assessments Climatic Change, Zhang Xunchang
Optimizing water and fertilizer input using an elasticity index: A case study with maize in the loess plateau of china Field Crops Research, Liu Wenzhao,
An evaluation of EPIC soil water and yield components in the gully region of Loess Plateau, China Journal of Agricultural Science, M. HUANG, J.
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