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著作名称 出版社 作者
Taihangia rupestris, a rare cliff-dwelling herb: responses to irradiance Photosynthetica, 2004, 42: 37~242 Tang M, Feihai Yu, Shuming Zhang, Shuli Niu, et al.
Effects of burial in sand and seed size on seed germination and seedling emergence in two leguminous shrubs in Otindag Sandland, China Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 2004, 52:133~142 Xuanwei Zhu, Zhenying Huang, Yu Chu, Shumin Zhang, Haidong Lliu, Ming Dong
Response of Growth and Water Use Efficiency (WUE) of Spring Wheat to Whole Season CO2 Enrichment and Drought 植物学报, 2002, 44(12): 1477~1483 Dongxiu Wu, Genxuan Wang, Yongfei Bai, Jianxiong Liao, Hongxu Ren
Effects of elevated CO2 concentration on growth, water use, yield and grain quality of wheat under two soil water levels Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2004, 104: 493~507 Dongxiu Wu, Genxuan Wang, Yongfei Bai, Jianxiong Liao, Hongxu Ren
Effects of Agriophyllum squarrosum seed banks on its colonization in a woving sand dune in Hunshandake sand land of China Journal of Arid Environments, 2004, 59: 151~157 Wenming Bai, Xuemei Bao, Linghao Li
Socio-economic driving forces of arable land conversion: A case study of Wuxian city, China Global Environmental Change, 2005, 15: 238~252 Xie, Y., Yu, M., Tian, G., etc.
Modeling seasonal and diurnal dynamics of stomatal conductance of plants in a semiarid environment Functional Plant Biology (Formerly Australia Journal of Plant Physiology),2005, 32: 583~598 Qiong Gao, Mei Yu, Zhang, X., etc.
Interactive effects of symbiotic nitrogen fixation, CO2 elevation and climatic change, on legume plant growth in northern China, a simulation study Journal of Environmental Quality, 2002, 31(2): 634~641 Mei Yu, Qiong Gao, Shaffer, M
Responses of primary production and vegetation distribution of East China Forest Transect to global change Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2002, 11(3): 223~236 Mei Yu, Qiong Gao, Shi, P., etc.
Regional analysis of climate, primary production, and livestock density in Inner Mongolia Journal of Environmental Quality, 2004, 33(5): 1675~1681 Mei Yu, Ellis J, Epstein H
Quantification of intrinsic water use efficiency along a moisture gradient in Northeast China Journal of Environmental Quality, 2005, 34(4): 1311~1318 Mei Yu, Xie, Y., Zhang, X.
异质养分环境中一年生分蘖草本黍根系的生长特征 Acta Botanica Sinica, 2001, 43(8): 846~851 何维明,董鸣
Plasticity in physiology and growth of Salix matsudana in response to simulated atmospheric temperature rise in the Mu Us Sandland Photosynthetica, 2003, 41(2): 297~300 Weiming He, Xinshi Zhang, Ming Dong
Gas exchange, leaf structure, and hydraulic features in relation to sex, shoot form, and leaf form in an evergreen shrub Sabina vulgaris in the semi-arid Mu Us Sandland in China Photosynthetica, 2003, 41(1): 105~109 Weiming He, Xinshi Zhang, Ming Dong
Responses of an evergreen shrub Sabina vulgaris to soil water and nutrient shortages in the semi-arid Mu Us Sandland in China Journal of Arid Environments, 2003, 53(3): 307~316 Weiming He, XinShi Zhang
Physiological acclimation and growth response to partial shading in Salix matsudana in the Mu Us Sandland in China Trees, 2003, 17(1): 87~93 Weiming He, Ming Dong
Plasticity in fitness and fitness-related traits at ramet and genet levels in a tillering grass Panicum miliaceum under patchy soil nutrients Plant Ecology, 2004, 172: 1~10 Weiming He, Hong Zhang, Ming Dong
云南西双版纳片段化热带雨林植物叶片δ13C值的特点及其对水分利用效率的指示 植物学报,2001,43:186~192 渠春梅,韩兴国,苏波,黄建辉,蒋高明
Effects of species composition and species diversity on soil properties in warm temperate forest ecosystems of Dongling Mountainous region, Beijing Ekologia (Bratislava), 2002, 21(2): 119~128 Bo Su, Xingguo Han, Chunmei Qu, Jianhui Huang
Comparison of Major Nutrient Release Patterns of Quercus liaotungensis Leaf Litter Decomposition in Different Climatic Zones 植物学报,2003,45(4):399~407 王立新、王瑾、黄建辉
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