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著作名称 出版社 作者
Role of straw mulching in non-continuously flooded rice cultivation. Agriculture Water Management, 2006.83: 252-260. Qin J.T., Hu, F., Zhang B.
Organic Matter Enrichment and Aggregate Stabilization in a Severely Degraded Ultisol After Reforestation. Pedosphere 16(6): 699-706. Zhang Bin, Xin-Hua Peng.
红砂(Reaumuria soongorica)忍耐极度干旱的保护机制:叶片脱落和茎中蔗糖累积 中国科学C辑 生命科学 刘玉冰
Evolutionary characteristics of the artificially revegetated shrub ecosystem in the Tengger Desert, Northern China Ecological Research 王新平
effects of microbiotic crusts on dew deposition in the restored vegetation area at shapotou,northwest china Journal of Hydrology 刘立超
sand bariers of straw checkerboards for habitant restoration in extremely arid desert regions Ecological engineering 李新荣
Influence of desertification on vegetation pattern variations in the cold semi-arid grasslands of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,North-west China Journal of Arid Environments 李新荣
Effents of Biological Soil Crust on Desert Insect Diversity: Evidence from the Tengger Desert of Northern China Arid Land Research and Management 李新荣
Change of Organic Carbon Content and Its Fractions in Black Soil under Long-term Application of Chemical Fertilizers and Recycled Organic manure Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis Han Xiaozeng
太湖地区黄泥土水稻适宜施氮量研究——长期定位试验 土壤 郭汝礼杨林章沈明星
绿肥轮作还田对稻田土壤溶液氮素变化及水稻产量的影响 土壤 卢萍单玉华杨林章
稻麦轮作条件下化肥氮素对土壤氮的替换作用 土壤学报 卢萍杨林章颜廷梅
秸秆还田对稻田土壤溶液中溶解性有机质的影响 土壤学报 卢萍单玉华杨林章
缺素对小麦冠层反射光谱的影响 麦类作物学报 薛利红,杨林章,沈明星
利用水稻冠层光谱特征诊断土壤氮素营养状况 植物生态学报 薛利红,卢萍,杨林章,等
氮形态和硫水平对烤烟氮、磷、钾等营养的影响 土壤 刘勤
基于碳氮代谢的水稻氮含量及碳氮比光谱估测 作物学报 薛利红,范晓晖,杨林章
太湖流域土壤肥力演变及原因分析 土壤 孙瑞娟, 王德建, 林静慧
Cosorption of zinc and glyphosate on two soils with different characteristics Journal of Hazardous Materials Yu-Jun Wang, Dong-Mei Zhou, Rui-Juan Sun
Influence of nitrate amendment on the fate of nonylphenol under anoxic conditions in submerged paddy soils Proceedings of International Workshop on Environmental Health and Pollution Control Qin Liu, Rong Ji, Andreas Schäffer, Philippe Corvini
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